went to anna today!

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mike chip

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2002
Reaction score
Everyone thought i was crazy, but i launched early and left early so it was not to bad, I tore them up on topwater, managed 7 real quick then scattered here and there all on top, biggest went about 4. Lake was down a foot or so,

Now, when i left ithe ramp was slammed, i cant belive there are not more accidents on this lake.

mike c
thought you went to kansas toto.

If i knew you were in town i would have, the bite was the best ive ever had. super aggressive.

mike c
Ha!! I was supposed to go to Las Vegas....looks like it will be this week sometime. Of course it has to be the weekend of Woo's tournament...rats!! I haven't missed that in 5 years!! I took your advise and on Monday when I took my daughter to riding, I took a rod with the "Shake-n-Bake" on it. Gotta admit, I caught a 6lber on my second cast!! I may have to throw that a little more!!:lol:

the more you throw it the more you will like it, it will catch some big fish. the hard part is figuring out what is a hit and what is not.

mike c
Anna, the dead sea HAHAHAHAHAHA :)

Would be a bit more fun for me if it was closer, but if Bill will have me out, I plan on fishing there soem this witner in between Catfish trips!
I can't wait for our "winter season":lol::lol: I'm beginning to like it more than the summer!! No sunburn and a pile of fish!!


i tore them up on a yamaoto bait today, but it aint a senko, and i cant find any local, might you have some?

mike c
Well, I sure like my one day a year in December fishing trip.:lol: I sure hope there's another this year? Maybe Carlos can make this next one?

Uncle Billy
I surely hope so! I am gonna take Hammer for a ride this time!!!!! I hope to be in town this year.....

I can bring some good chow!
Ahhhhhh....I knew that would bring him out of the bushes!!:lol: It's in your honor for crin out loud!!:lol: Hopefully this year I won't have the Father/Daughter dance and run out of gas after hitting a deer!! Always a good time!! Let's make it a BIG deal this year and have everybody bring 1 fish to the ramp...just 1, your biggest!! We need a traveling trophy, like the Bassmasters Classic:lol::lol: Oh jeeze.... I gotta go skirt shopping!!

I was wondering where he was at!!! Welcome back!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Traveling trophy is a good idea dude!!!

When is it anyway, Bill?? I need to try and make sure that I am in town, and I am planning December travel now as it is....
do we want to try to do it in early november as an ice breaker, then have the real deal in december?

mike c
I am in town for most of November, as of right now. May have an Okinawa trip in there somewhere is all...but I am up for it if Mr. Bill is!

BTW not that you guys care, but I will not make 100,000 miles with United this year! That is a good thing!
Have to be late November as we are going on a western US tour beginning in November and coming back on the 24th. Going to Vegas, Reno, Fallon, San Fran, Sacremento and other places.

I'm in (if Scott will let me - LOL) Travelling trophy is a good idea. I will see what I can come up with for bragging rights!

No problem with doing a couple of Not-So-Memorial Invitationals.
we could do it at stergeon creek on the cold side in november, they have grills and covered space, that way we are not always at bills.

mike c
I LIKE being at Bill's!!:lol::lol: If I fish the hot side any more, he will be able to claim me as a dependant!!:p:lol: There are grills (I think) and picnic tables at the launch on the hot side also.

I will also look and see what I have for a trophy...might have a couple left over from my shooting days we can "utilize".

Bill, that sounds like a nice trip dude!

Pavilion Hot side can support, right?
Now you guys are making me feel bad. We can do the hot side OR cold side and still come to the house for our get together. I know you guys are ugly and smell bad by the end of the day but Martie puts Vicks VapoRub under her nose so she doesn't smell all of you and takes her glasses off so you are all a little blurry.

You can also save the launch fee at my place (unless you want to pay me). We can also use the pavilion at the hot side if you don't want to come back to the house. The portapotty gets taken at the end of the summer so you won't have a head to use. No, not at my house, you idiots!

Still have time so lets plan on doing two, one trial and the real one for the trophy!
I'm certainly up for some hotside action! Been a long summer without much fishing.

Uncle Billy - you are once again welcome to ride with me (this time in the new rig!). I'll be putting the boat up on the lift versus trailering back to the garage so we won't be late for the festivities again this year!

Looking forward to some pre-Not-So-Memorial fishing with folks...

Thanks Jim, I'm really looking forward to it.. Personally as long as Martie doesn't care about having all of you slobs at her place, (notice I didn't include myself) I enjoy going back there! Even if they do remove the head every summer:wacko: Or was it they removed Bills head? It's hard to remember these things.:unsure::wacko:

We had a pretty good crowd last year but I'd sure like to see more people jump on board!

Uncle Billy
UB - Let's open it up to everyone on the board. We got three other bedrooms and lots of floor space for those that have to drive a lttle farther. We will have to limit it to less than 100 boats since it would take us half the day to launch. LOL

Plan on at LEAST two Not-So-Memorials this year. I don't think Toxic would mind! LOL
I'll throw my crib in as a stopping point if anyone is coming down from the North. I can only hold 20-30 though:lol:

If Bill's gets too crowded, I also have a couple of spare bedrooms not too far from Bill. We can also use my HOA's launch facility so we don't have to overcrowd Bill's ramp! We just need to pick a date now for the first pre-NSM event!
Hammer, I will stay over at your place! As long as I get the basement room HAHAHAH

You wanna ride with me?

Ideas on a date so I am not TAD????
How 'bout Saturday the 29th or Sunday the 30th. I won't be back until the 24th and Turkey Day is the 27th. Will come back for the FULL NSM for December.

if you want just leave the passes under the door with the key, and we will clean and lock up before we leave. hahahaha

either date is good.

mike c
I know there's a lot of guys on the board who can't travel that far but man would it be great if they all could come?:rolleyes:

ANY date or dates is fine with me and I'll drive myself if I have to.. I can just tell Nancy I'm meeting Bruce and he's driving:D.:unsure::eek::rolleyes: Then, instead of driving home I'll just stay at Jim's that night and then we can fish in the A.M. and then drive home in the afternoon? See how I just invited myself to Jim's house?

I thought I'd bet able to get in some pre-Not-So-Memorial fishing with Jim but he didn't ask so I guess I'll just go cold turkey <sigh>...:wacko:

Uncle Billy
my house is open if anybody needs an extra room.

mike c
Uncle Billy - invite was always there so you couldn't have "invited yourself"! :D:D:D Make it easy on yourself and bring Nancy down too!

As for pre-NSM fishing, would you believe I haven't been out fishing since we last e-mailed each other about getting together!?! Just been a crazy summer and I haven't gotten out on a bass boat in months (literally)! Closest was my last trip floating down the upper Potomac in a kayak last weekend.

Bill in VA - both dates work for me as the family and I will probably be down for the long Thanksgiving weekend. Saturday might be better for folks wanting to head back home (I-95 N gets to be a bear on Sunday's - especially the Sunday after T-day!!).
I think the 29th is probably better also. Thursday and Friday with the family and then FISHING!!!! on Saturday.

In addition to the "trophy" I think we need to put a 5-spot in the kitty and big fish takes the kitty.

The bassus are starting to move up on the rocks. Went out for 2 hours this morning and picked up 9 before I came in. First I have been out in weeks.

We can make it a weekend get-together if anyone wants. Always lots of food left over after the Saturday food fest.

More to follow and maybe open a new link.
I'm in for the cash, may need to come up there and pre fish some now though......

I took the red eye home last night, I will look for a trophy we can modify to use for the traveling trophy

Hammer, you in town this weekend?