OHHH BPS Christmas Catalog came in - check out page pages 40-41

  • Thread starter Michael Trepper [URL]http://www.basspro-shops.com/
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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For all you Cabin Fever northerner's looks like BPS is getting some help from Victoria Secret!!!

I don't know about the Camo designed silk chemise and Kimo but the "Golden Cheetah" silk Camisole set and pajama's are GREAT - "Top features a V-plunge neckline!!!!!!"

Good choice of models BPS!!!

For those who don't have the catalog yet here is a URL

And a picture too!!!
Now I can do all my christmass shopping at basspro and guess what the wife's getting
whazzaaa order or item number on her?? Do they come in packs of 10 and is the defibulator optional?

Hey fatrap, that is kind of what my wife looks like except with freckles. Seriously. She was miss beauty pagent something or other. Don't tell her I said that, I'm supposed to remember the title, (she's lucky I remember birthdays and anniversaries) but a few months back someone posted a joke about a guy going fishing or having sex, and picked fishing. See, it's not that easy for me! LOL WHY can't we do both? The world would be a much happier place, don't you agree? LOL See, BPS is working on world peace by combining sex and hunting. I think hunting camp should be co-ed. That's why you'll never catch me at "feeley" Neeley's camp! LOL Hey Neeley, you got any of these at your camp????? I hear mini has a whole platoon of hooters at his??? That's guys a chick magnet! His new nickname shall now be SuperMag! I can only aspire to be a minimag! lol (see the play on words there? mini....mag???? us northerners are smarter than we let on!)
Yeah Rob my wife only looks like that to me LOL. She USED to look that way (only blond )about 20 years ago. Really She lets me do about anything I want to do except picking an evening night out. She doesn't think hot wings at HOOTERS constitues a fine dining experience. My fishin and hunting is better than drinking and chasing. My dogs and guns are tolerated.

The photo above...............only in my dreams.


PS I don't know Neeley other than from this site. Must be some kind of a sex machine?
Trepman,I realize you are in pretty good shape and all,but I just dont think it would look too good on you.No offence.
Now, now Rob.....You have been listening to Mac living vicariously through one of the only single eligable bachelors he knows. Not to mention he gets to meet most of the women I get to know.....

You know alot of people ask me why I dont hunt.....I guess because of all the time I have spent in the woods, I have NEVER seen a bikini, let alone a woman that looked like her! Little do they know that my hunting season lasts all year long, not just two weeks. Its just I am after slightly different game.....I hope you all know that I am just kidding.


Tex - she won't believe you!!!

Steve - I don't have the um,, hmmm,,, nnnnn, Peck's for that outfit!!! LOL
Yeah..... Yeah..... Yeah.....

Sure she LOOKS good..... But Does She Fish? And Will She Clean The Catch?

Let's keep our priorities straight!

(If she does..... Where do I find her and will she marry me?)
Mini,...but you're my HERO dude!!...why can't I idolize your lifestyle!??..LOL!! Hangin' around with you for a long weekend on the road makes me glad I'm married!! LOLOL!! and,.. you are just one of several eligable bachelor buddies I have,...but they don't seem to attract the "eye candy" that you do and they deffinetely don't know how to fish! So I only hang out with them when I need something!!...ahahahahah.....You do have some pretty cool girlfriends...I'll admit that,...but can they marinate and grill venison backstraps like yours truly? We need to get together soon with Donnie and JoeD, and I''ll do some on the grill with a few J&C chasers......that ROCKS!!


(If you guys think Mini and I like Hooter's Wings,..you should see the dude dive into a pile of grilled venison with a football game on the tube!!...It's not a pretty site!!....BTW..UM/OSU this weekend!!!!!...doin' anything??)

Heck yes, fire up the grill Mac, how long will it take me from Virginia!! LOL!! Now when you come to my part of the country, I can fire up the grill but would prefer to stoke the smoker and put 4 or 5 slabs of ribs in for their 7 hour nap!! Remember, I lived in Kansas City for 6 years. I am a BBQ King!! Still get my sauces from KC (as a matter of fact, my Father-in-Law arrives Friday with a new shipment. Ahhh Gates, Haywards, Smokestack, and about 5 or 6 others. I can smell em now. I like different sauces for different meats and some sauces cook differently. Dry rubs, marinades, it's an art.

You're on Tox!!...When I get down to VA, we'll get together for some gooood martini's, ribs, primo gars and fishin'/huntin' and war stories!!..LOL. My brother will have a freezer full of venison too and he's got a humidor that would make Castro jealous!! LOL. You supply the rubs or sauces and we'll bring the meat.....we'll get Carlos to bring some photo albums and other "momento's" of "Gunny" and we'll have a GREAT time!!!...I'll call Woo and have him meet us if he's in town.....and if Mini's available...I'll drag him along too...we'll leave the women and kids home!! HA!!!...(Sorry Hon...wayyy too much testosterone flowin' for you to be there.....someone could get hurt!..LOL)

Man I'm fired up just thinkin' about it!!...

Jeeze Rob, I can hear your heavy breathing all the way down here and Quit!!, you are fogging up my monitor!!


Amd Mac.....we will kick the women out of my house...remember, I've got a 57 inch........widescreen TV LOL (just for the game!!)
About an hour and a half (or however long it takes you to go 135 miles +-). Not so far that a good hunk of ice in a cooler would keep that venison nice and cool on the way up!! You are always welcome to stay with me but I have to limit it to a month at a time..LOL!! Deer off of the deck, Fish in the lake, Ribs on the smoker, did I tell you about the 4 Flight Attendants that live next door?? Just kidding, there's only 2....What's that I hear....I think it's Mini's car door closing.

I think I will take up trout fishing too!!!!! You guys are my heros!
135miles in my brother's vette??....a little over an hour!!!

hahahhha.....'course..if we do it in the summer time and the top is down......may take 3hrs due to scenic "detours" involving VA babes on roller blades and various other distractions....but we'll make it!! Sooner or later!!

I'm Hot, Bothered AND i'm going fishing!!!

Just thought you guys would appreciate something to keep you warm all winter!

This is the view from my deck....now you know why the deer are "sittin ducks" if I so choose. Only been tempted once and that was last week with the 8 pointer just ploddin along. Didn't seem like much sport though.


OH MAN!!!!! I would give my left.......never mind, for that! I have a nice piece of property up on the mountain that Michelle and I want to build our dream home on someday, and it's covered with deer. Similar situation, but we don't have view like that off the front porch. We do have a view of the valley and White Face mountain, the orchards etc. But I would trade it for that. To sit on my front porch with a coffee and hunt, that's heaven! Tox, when should I come down?
Mac, I'll pick you up at 7:00 pm on Friday, Tox, we'll be there around 4 in the morning. I'm bringing Jim and his cousin as I promised him a hunt this weekend. Put the coffee on and stock up on beer and stogies! LOL
WHAT are you guys talking about? Why do you you have to seperate fishin and freakin? Or huntin and humpin?

I've been known to take a lady on my boat and fish until the sun went down, then IT'S ON!! Or go and sit under a tree with a gal, and if we don't see any deer?........well what else do you do with a willing hottie in the woods?
HA, HA!!

I knew that pic would get a rise out of you!! Actually, I only have 5 acres and believe it or not, I live in a neighborhood with a cul-de-sac. Yep, I have neighbors all around me. You can't really see in the pic but there are also houses up the draw on the other side. And oh yeah, who do you think takes care of all that?!?! Yours truly. Mowing, etc..I had to clear the forest, it took me 4 years of pretty hard work. It's a pain to maintain but worth it. That pic is to the right off of my deck, this one is to the left. BTW, how many times to I have to invite you??? I've even got a swingset for the kids, and my wife has done the DC thing so many times with relatives, she is a virtual tour guide (don't tell her I sold her out).

Well, if there's a tourney scheduled on the Potomac, I might be down.
Jeeze, Take your pick...there's about 100 tournys a season on the Potomac. And wouldn't it be great to bring the wife and kids!?!?! OR.....a free place for you to stay during pre-fish (and the inside scoop to some hot spots). In all actuality, my place is open to anyone from this board who wants to make the trip. Everyone is welcome. I was actually thinking of hitting you up Rob or maybe fatrap because the freelance writer that I took out wants to do some out of state bird hunting and has a plane so.....I'm debating on taking him back to Kansas or possibly getting you some free publicity for guiding a hunt, he wants me to take him striper fishing and I will talk to him about it then. You game?? How bout you fatrap??

Always! Come on up. Birds are coveyed up and we're getting double and triple flushes regularly. I can always use the free publicity. Free trip if I get a page ad in the mag. I doubt you want to be cramped in my house, but you're welcome. If not, I can arrange for good rates at the 'Helm. Still negotiating with that nimrod!
Ad....schmad, he'll do an entire article in his publication VA Weekly (He would also push the fishing side). I just don't know where he wants to go and what he wants to hunt. I know you are thin on pheasant (planted birds if I remember), I haven't heard back from him on the striper trip but he wanted to go the weekend before T-giving or the weekend after. My Father-in-Law is a big Quail hunter in Kansas but he doesn't have dogs (a friend of his does) and I'm not stupid enough to go wing shooting anywhere without dogs. I'll let you know more when I do.

Yeah, all planted phesants. But they start to get wild by this time and there aren't many left. Grouse is where it's at here. Woodcock too, but they're already in NJ/CT and heading south by now.

Everyone of my boats have been "christened".....but too many mosquitos for after dark activities...lol

I'm with mini on this one. It's more fun in the daytime! LOL Get out to the middle of the lake. Hey if some old bird's highlight for the day is watching the missuz and me thru his telescope, I'm happy to make their day! That's a sad existence. Those are the days, you don't mind the waves! LOL If you're too shy, find some secluded cove, but be careful in the swampy areas. Deerfly bites in "certain" tender areas of the body are NOT at all fun, and hard to mend! LOL Not that I know.....I've heard!
I saw this boat one time next to a reef I like to fish. I thought maybe they had hit it or something, but could not see anyone. It was a 2o' cuddy!!! LOL As I pulled up, up pops 2 heads, my friends dad and his girlfriend. I felt so bad! He was probably just starting to have fun. "Hey Terry, need any help there?" I asked, he just glared at me...."NO!" he said. LOL I don't know if he thought I meant with the boat OR other things.....either way a valid question and answer! LOL
SWEET! Bangin on the water is top notch!! plus you get kudos since the ladies consider it romantic......"uh yeah whatever, just get naked"
LOL...man the infamous "Pontoon Party" thread that caused so much heartache a year or so ago pails compared to THIS thread!! Like Steven Tyler belt's out in "Rag Doll"...you're tap dancin' in a mind field........LOL
And to think Mac - I just started this with a little something for you Northern boys during Cabin Fever! This group is truly SICK, DEMENTED, PERVERTED and RUDE and i'm glad to call you my friends!

Oh and Rob - Discretion is the better part of Valor!
What's discretion???? Did I ever tell you about the time I was naked at Wal-Mart???? LOL
No that was Mac, I was the "code nasty" in the sporting goods dept! LOL
YES! Do they offer season passes! I don't care where to, um Tokyo and back! Iceland. Russia! Whatever!

You think it might be good for business if we could get one of those girls to take the fish off the hook for clients??

Who cares???? She's hired! Though I don't see how it could hurt!

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