Fresh Water Striper Tactics

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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OK - I plan to do some fresh water striper fishing specifically. We have some nice stripers in Lake Anna in Virginia but I have not targeted them specifically before. I have caught a few but would like some feedback on the "how to" and "what to use" to catch them. Anybody offer suggestions? Tox - I know you will pipe up and give me some suggestions but only tell me what you want me to know LOL.
They are voracious eaters. They school up. You fish vertically for them almost exclusively. Early mornings or late afternoon, you can get some topwater action. They hate sunlight (for the most part), so when the sun is bright, they'll be deeper.

Wind-blown rocky banks have produced well during the topwater bite. During the topwater bite, I'll throw floating rat-l-traps that run a foot or two deep. If you want ACTION, go with true topwaters, but don't get mad when the fish knocks it 10 feet in the air. For deeper fish, use slabs (such as Bomber). Anything over 20 feet, you're probably going to want a 1 1/2 or 2 ounce slab.
In Anna look for them "pushing bait", find the bait and you've found the stripers. Mike is right best time is early am or dusk. When schooling throw blue and chrome rattle traps at the bait or troll deep diving redfins in blue and chrome. Usual striper spots are Rose Valley, The Splits, around Jets Island up to the bridge and mid lake only if you see the baitfish schools. Right across from Sturgeon Creek twords the power plant is another good spot. Want to up your chances? Mark bait on your electronics and free line shad or shiners....then hold on!!


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