Ever do Something Really Stupid?

  • Thread starter Scott Hammer TOXIC
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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Had my clients at the dock saturday and was acting like a super pro (loaded their gear, wheeled the trailer back, all the time giving advice), I then climbed up on the bow of the boat to release the winch strap. You know how you have to drop onto one knee to do it, well my knee slipped and I fell forward onto my trolling motor pedal (set at 5 I might add) and off it goes whirring loudly as it pounds my chest with the blades. It was a very akward position so by the time I got my balance and could stand up, I had been smacked about 50 times!! Felt like a real putz...the client looked at me and said "That's gotta hurt". When I got my ability to speak back, I told him "No doubt, that's gonna leave a mark"!! OUCH!!

Sounds like from your post, and the stiper/hook in hand post, that me not being in a boat this weekend was a GOOD thing!

Tox, All the cuts and scratches are worth it if you put em' on fish! Kenny
You should have stood up and said that now that the trolling motor prop is properly aligned, we can fish.


Rich D
Nope! HAAAAA, Well mine wasn't as bad, I accidentally sprayed bang garlic all over my banana one day (wind took it from bait to banana) and didn't notice until I took a BIG bite a few minutes later. The gagging and choking that immediately followed probably attributed for the hefty tip at the end of the day. They said they hadn't had that much fun or laughed that hard in a while, to heck with the fish! LOL
Pervert! LOL Hey, if I could reach my "banana" that way, I'd never have to leave the house again! LOL I can't remember what comedian said that? It was about a dog licking himself. And Tex, in my experience, when somebody's mind is THAT far gone into the gutter, it doesn't matter what you type, they'll turn it around somehow. Just look at Buzz. I can say the sky is blue and he'll turn it into something about his schmeckle or some chic at work! LOL
Rob, what are ya doin' fishin with your bannana hangin out?!?!LOL Kenny, I made a call and went up lake. It was not the right call. 4 fish. Funny thing was that 2 tourny's blasted off before I put in and they ALL went uplake. Another guide came up to me at the end of the day and said he put his clients on 9 fish plus they missed a bunch more downlake. I don't know whether or not to believe him. All my fish came off of the ends of deep water docks. Now with all of this cold rain, we will be set back again. And I did try up pigeon creek too!!

One of the other guides on the lake was pushing his boat off of the trailer and didn't have a bow rope clipped on. It came off a little too fast and he was afraid he was going to lose it past the dock so he reached up to grab it and his finger went into the scissor mechanism of the trolling moter. Bye bye end of finger. They sewed it back on at the hospital!! eeeeewwww.

Nope, can't say as I ever did a single stupid thing ever in my life. But then being mortal sucks! LOL (Oh and Ouch!)
Have had to stop several clients in the past from trying to reach down and lip a pike. LOL One of these days I'm just gonna let someone do it. I just want to see what a 12 lber will do to a thumb! LOL
Just on Friday I tried to "force" launch my boat into a lake that is getting low and broke out both of my trailer taillights. Plus I had to put the truck in low four wheel drive to get the trailer back out. Never did get the boat launched.
Rob- I didn't know there was any other way to spray Bang than to face into the wind with your mouth open. I'll have to try the bannana trick.

OK, I've got 2. Of course, my wife could list many more. Years ago, like 25, my Dad and I were draining his 18' Crestliner I/O runabout on Alton Lake by pulling the plug while running, no bilge pump back then, and went past the Lake Center yacht club and decided to stop and have a libation. Unfortunately, we forgot to put the plug back in. Fortunately, the river was very low and the boat couldn't sink completely.

The other isn't boat related but it is water related. NEVER,EVER mix K-Mart and WalMart swimming pool chemicals in a 2 gallon bucket with water. The explosion this makes would make for a good controlled science experiment, not so good uncontrolled. The clothes I had on disintegrated along with some skin. The banana was OK though. I know better than mix different chemicals but the brain just took a day off evidently.

Even better...In our pool, we always used chlorine tablets in a floating dispenser. Well, my mother bought powder chlorine. Being 17, I knew everything and did not read the instructions and filled the dispenser with powder, screwed on the lid and tossed it in the pool. Shortly afterward, I heard the dog yip and come tearing up the driveway. I came down just in time to see the dispenser explode. You can still look at the aluminum siding and see the spray pattern! I won't even mention the gas cloud that hovered over the pool for a while!!

Rich D
I have a dog, a big one.......so therefore I have a yard full of landmines.

Well let me give you some advice....never weed-wack with your mouth open............sa


My own: Never try to adjust the height of an old beat up lawnmower with the engine still running.

It took me a full two minutes to find the tip of my left ring finger.

Oh....and when talking to that really pretty girl on the pool deck in a bikini while walking backwards on the diving board, look back every now and then to see how close you are to the back edge. A five-foot fall to concrete WILL knock you unconscious and leave a painfully BIG bruise on your back.
HAHAH Good one fellas!!!!! Tox, we have a new one it seems :) Txo, have nto laughed that hard in years!! Glad that you were not hurt too.
