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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2004
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What do you think about the Navy Seal's book coming out today..I TOTALLY Disagree with It.

Mac your bro.have an opinion? I am a 2 time Veteran.
JR i'm a 2 time veteran as well and i totally agree with you. I thought the news stations had already told to much about it.
I retired in 94 after 27 yrs. subs, there are still things that I cannot legally acknowledge any information, all I say is,
Well since the Commander-in-Chief was the one that bragged/lied about it, why not get the REAL story out.

The ONLY thing that should have been told at any point was that Osama was dead. NO details of who, when, and how.
In general, I'm in favor of the 'keep it under wraps' categorization of certain Military secrets and plans. However, I also believe that having a 'closed conversation' leads far too many to interpret that to mean - do what we can get away with.

Having not 'served' myself, hard for me to be critical.

I for one, did not appreciate the way the disclosure was handled on the 'Raid' in question. Announcing it could have been handled better. On the 'book' front - as long as the Seal that wrote the book hasn't violated any privacy or secrecy laws, then I don't have a problem with the book. If he has stepped over an official 'line', then he should be subjected to the appropriate reactions.

For me, I learned all that I needed when they announced that they got him.


I wasn't aware that there was a book comming out today. I like reading military books. What is the name and author? I am leaving for vacation wed and would like to have a book to read while on the beach.
It is hard for me to fault the Seal for writing this book after the administration leaked and outright "told the story" for political gain of the POTUS. They've also allowed the Hollywood crowd unparalleled access to sensitive information so that a propaganda movie can be made. My outrage is directed at an administration whose own party members have expressed public disdain over the leaks (Diane Fienstein). That's my $0.02!
Don't you think the SEALS have had some pretty sensational missions before now? Doesn't it seem strange that there has never been any news story or any another book written? That's because there is an unwritten rule amongst Special Ops/Black Ops that they are ALL in danger including their families if the information ever got out in a concise enough way to identify them. You don't put personal gain over the safety of your brothers in arms and their families. PERIOD. Book should have never hit the shelves IMHO. My right to know ended with Osama wrapped in bacon and a ventilated cranium.
This will be interesting...guvment already sent him a letter to STOP!:blink:
As a SEAL he knows the dangers of releasing too much info but as noted earlier our "glorious leader" abd his administration have divulged almost the entire story already it seems so I fail to see how this SEAL writing a book within the confines of what has already been disclosed is any sort of security threat. He doesnt name any identities (including his own,the media disclosed his name as the book was written under a assumed identity). This is a media firestorm raised by the media at the behest of the elite ruling class (like always). I quit being a sheep long ago and began thinking for myself.
And btw TOXIC there have been other books written by many SEALS over the years,just head to a decent sized book store and peruse the military history section.
Let me play crackpot a moment and suggest perhaps the govt is the seal. It is an election year after all. What other well known, successful military events has this administration had to show off? And hey it's time to go cable since the DNC starts tonight I think. Such timely presentation I'd say. The govt divulges what we "need to hear" even as CharlieFoxtrot as they my appear. Have you guys forgotten Jessie "the body" Ventura? Now there was an entertaining former whatever he claimed he was.;)
I bought the book today. I have only read the authors notes and he says he wanted to get the truth out. The media twisted and bent the story to their liking and failed to do the real men and women who accomplished the task the credit they deserve. He also mentions that nothing in the book is "of classified" info, and in fact all the info in the book has been openly published to the public in other publications. He says that the book is from his memory of the events that took place when we merged on BinLadens compound.

SOunds like an interesting read....Can't wait to get started.
Regardless...that's "need to know" info.

They way things are today...NOBODY needs to know except the seals.
JR, brother was over in Ireland on a vacation when this story came out, so I haven't talked to him about it yet, (he just got back Sunday)..but I can say this with the utmost confidence in accuracy: That SEAL could very well be prosecuted by the DOJ "if" any details were leaked in that book that could compromise national security, names, tactics, prcedures, equipment or anything else deemed "top secret" or classified. The fact that he wrote and published the book without any form of permission or clearance by the feds is bad news for him. He's going to have a microscope so far up his chute, they'll be able to see his tonsils! Also,..he signed many documents in his past stating he would NOT talk about or disclose ANY info about past or current ops for the rest of his life! The fact that Obama had disclosed so much detail already (and yes, it was for his own political gain) should prove that even HE cannot be trusted to keep his damn mouth shut!! IMO,... the SEAL and other Special Ops communities will be forever pissed off at that guy and especially at BHO for doing what they did. I totally agree with Tox,..there are some things we just DO NOT need to know....this liberal media and their "we have a right to know!!" attitude is total BS!! Now,..because of their disclosure of the guys real name,...they put him,..his family,..his friends,..and ANYBODY who is associated with danger!! You don't think al Qeada wants revenge now and would rule out his family members as targets?? WHY does the media feel it's our right to know the names of those involved in a mission like that, yet they can keep their info "sources" confidential?? What a crock of BS!! The fact that the White House HOSTED a bunch of Hollywood movie producers and briefed them on the mission so their future movies would be "accurate" is freakin' TREASON in my opinion....Did you see GWB doing that when we captured Saddam??..HELL NO!!! BHO is an idiot savant.....our country and it's national security and secrets are just not safe anymore with this administration. It's sickening how our military secret's can't be as well hidden as his own personal background info....:angry:
What's even more wierd is the fact that security here at the base has been overboard IMHO BUT, in the same sentence this guy writes a book about the whole works? WTF:blink: