something to ponder over while youre bored!or at work!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
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Those of us who are old enough ---will really appreciate the following:

Looking back, it's hard to believe that we have lived as long as we have. As children we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat.

Our baby cribs were painted with bright colored lead based paint. We often chewed on the crib, ingesting the paint.

We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes we had no helmets.

We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle.

We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the street lights came on. No one was able to reach us all day.

We played dodge ball and sometimes the ball would really hurt. We played with toy guns, cowboys and Indians, army, cops and robbers, and used our fingers to simulate guns when the toy ones or the BB gun was not available.

We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank sugar soda, but we were never over weight; we were always outside playing.

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't, had to learn to deal with disappointment.

Some students weren't as smart as others or didn't work hard so they failed a grade and were held back to repeat the same grade. That generation produced some of the greatest risk-takers and problem solvers. We had the freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.

Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), the term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system.

We all took gym, not PE... and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked's (only worn in gym) instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors. I can't recall any injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now. Flunking gym was not an option... even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym.

Every year, someone taught the whole school a lesson by running in the halls with leather soles on linoleum tile and hitting the wet spot. How much better off would we be today if we only knew we could have sued the school system.

Speaking of school, we all said prayers and the pledge (amazing we aren't all brain dead from that), and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention for about the next two weeks. We must have had horribly damaged psyches.

Schools didn't offer 14 year olds an abortion or condoms (we wouldn't have known what either was anyway) but they did give us a couple of baby aspirin and cough syrup if we started getting the sniffles. What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything.

I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.

I just can't recall how bored we were without computers, PlayStation, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital cable stations.

I must be repressing that memory as I try to rationalize through the denial of the dangers could have befallen us as we trekked off each day about a mile down the road to some guy's vacant lot, built forts out of branches and pieces of plywood, made trails, and fought over who got to be the Lone Ranger. What was that property owner thinking, letting us play on that lot. He should have been locked up for not putting up a fence around the property, complete with a self-closing gate and an infrared intruder alarm.

Oh yeah... and where was the Benadryl and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed!

We played king of the hill on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites and<
Geez, it was a rough life back in the day! You see it in movies but never really think about how different today is. I'm 18 and its hard to justify any complaints I normally make living in today's world after reading that!lol. It really makes you think.


Justin A.
magna19 --- well put!!! I remember fishing Northern Ontario, no licence required, no limits, no people, just great fishing. If it was still like that you'd have your limits in 1/2 hour!!!

i read that on a website,and figured it was about right!being that im from that era,doing basically htings that you wouldnt dare do 8 yrs old,going down the road a mile to the lake fishing,by you cant trust your 12yr old kid in your front yard,or school either!

how times do change!
Remember how bored we were with a total of only 6 TV channels.

Remember how bad we had it when you wanted to hear a different song you had to lift the needle on the turn table.

I grew up without airconditioning and now my kids would die if I did not turn it on!

Remember when we actually talked to people insted of typing to them.

I will be 40 next month and I just can't figure out if I should continue to fish or stay home and fish on my computer Bass game!

America Land of the free and spoiled!
You know, it really doesn't matter how old you are or what year it is, there's always the "good old days". Forty years from now people will probably talk of how these were the "good old days".

BTW I'm 65.


That sounds exactly how I grew up. I went to a Catholic school for the first 7 years, and if you got in trouble, you got it twice! Once from the nuns and again from my dad when he got home cause the nuns would always call your parents. Now, when a kid goofs off in school, they send him or her to the "planning room" to figure out how to correct their behavior. I'm a firm believer that kids should be raised by their parents.

Bob G.
That story just made my day, I'll be thinking about my childhood for the rest of the day, boy oh boy I had fun building fort's, fighting with my buddy's,just being a kid and using my imagination.

I'm 52.....

Remember paying something like $25 for my first pocket calculator in the early 70's.

Working out math problems with a slide rule.

Flying from New York to Cincinnati in a Lockheed Constellation.

John Glen commenting "Man! What a ride!"

Landing on the moon.

Driving across country on two lane highways with yellow and black stop signs in a Studebaker.

McDonald's signs that read "Over 8 Million Sold!"

I saw the very first Mickey Mouse Club tv show when I was 4.

Sadly, I also remember signs that read "Whites Only" and "Colored". Viet Nam. Kennedy's Death. Apollo 13. Kids with polio.

Thank God that things have changed.....

Have any of you heard the new country song "19 something"? It's geared towards my generation, the last one I believe that were still kids! Talks about Elvis and the space shuttle exploding, rubiks cubes and parachute pants. Evil Kanevil, (never could spell his name). I remember taking my bmx bike, a bag a twinkies, RC cola (still in glass bottles) a bologna sammich as Mac says, the horror of what we were eating. bungee corded a fishing pole to the handlebars and met my buddy so we could ride the RR tracks all day fishing the riverbanks and getting into trouble! Man were we excited when Atari came along but it still didn't captivate us for more than hour unless it was already dark out. Remember Saturday morning cartoons, sugar pop cereal and pixie stiks? Man those were crack for kids! Star Wars and Welcome back Carter. Man those were the days. And corduroy pants (sp?). If you ran to fast with those puppies on, zip zip zip zip zip, you could burst into flames from the friction!
Welcome Back Kotter,....Now that was a GREAT show!! I named my first car,...a 69' Chevy Nova,.."Horshack!"..LOL
Yeah I'm more in line with Rob's memories, but either way you look at it, things always change, and will never be like they used to be. Heck, remember what bass boats used to look like?
yeah...TIN!!!..LOL!!!...I remember when the TX-17's were THEE thing to have!! (for us pond-jumpin' local guys anyway)....

Remember the 1st Ranger trihulls? And when a 70hp rude, was as big as today's 150s!
What I believe has happened is that we have become an angrier less forgiving society because our parents and family's influence on us as we grow up has diminished... If I look back to the people who most influenced me as a youth...they were my parents and grandparents and then men and women of my father's generation...And I learned from them... Today, popular culture has such an impact on kids that they emulate what i would call "almost kids"... Thus we have a very "juvenile" society... Kids don't "take responsibility" they learn it... Oh I could ramble on...

I only wish I could give my grandchildren what I had as a youth...days of baseball, fishing, swimming in the forts and friends...and a sense of "responsibility" for ourselves and our neighbors... I truly believe that the 60's-70's-80's fostered a cultural selfishness that will cost us dearly until we learn how to behave again.

Oh, and how about metal tackle boxes...cane poles..."two hose" gas tanks... And, the final insult...I go into antique stores and see my toys...that hurts.
Wow Magna,

Brought back alot of memories, the forts, the bike and mini bike trails we made, the horrific wipeouts on our bikes on dead man's hill, fishing all day on a local pond, for carp and bullheads, and thinking they were the biggest, baddest "game" fish in the world, no worrying about "strangers" as we played down the street or even across town, walking the train tracks all the way to the next town, (maybe 1/2 mile) but we thought it was an all day trip, saving all week and on Saturdays going and buying all the packs of Topps bball cards we could get, then trading and trying to get complete sets from the late 60's, and what was left over was put into the bike spokes, even if it was an Ernie Banks or some superstar,and we kept all our cards in shoeboxes. I always imagined what it would have been like if we lived in a very rural setting, we were in typical suburbs as i grew up, one thing this reminded me is as kids, boy already even then did we love exploring the outdoors.
Great post.....I was there in the fort building days. Have a few great stories that I know would have led me to professional behavior modification these days. Went to public school and was "swatted" numerous times by the principal AND teachers alike. Kinda wish they would still do that these days....

When I was in Jr. High,..delinquents still got paddled!! the principals can't touch anyone..for any reason at all....some kids just need to be whaled on to get the point!!!
My friends and I use to build forts all the time...both above and under ground!! Played Army all the time,..played with GI Joe's and Estes Rockets,...took .22's down to the traintrack's and zapped carp in the river by the train tressle!!....Made Tennis ball cannons out of pop and beer cans,....blew up model cars and ships with M-80'S....almost ran a Nun over when I was learning to ride a 2 wheeler (and it's true,..Nun's reall can Fly outa the way!!! LOL)....

We use to watch turtles dig holes and lay eggs in our yards and then we'd wait until August for them to hatch...and we'd gather them up in a box and take them down to the river so they wouldn't meet the michelin man if they did it on their own. We'd take baby birds and put them back in the nests...only to watch them take the big leap again...stuuupid birds!! (We didn't realize it was TIME for them to go!...LOL)...Those were the days...being a pre-teenager in the 60's was awesome!! GI Joes, and Johnny Quest,...a grilled cheese sammich and tomatoe soup at your buddy's house on saturday......that was a religeous experience!! ahahaha...(especially if they had a pool!!!!)

I'd almost give anything to be 8-10yrs old again...but it's gotta be back then!! Our imaginations and toys were a LOT better.....we had neighborhood football and baseball games where we had 7-10kids on EACH TEAM!!! that ROCKED!!

Anyway.....have a good weekend everyone....GO BLUE!!!!


Can't have that, we need to be a more "civilized" nation, and get in touch with our inner child. We need alternative parenting and ........SHUT UP! That's the PROBLEM these days. Can't give your kid a good swat when they need it. When I was a kid, if I got in trouble at school, the teach smacked ya and sent you to the hall to wait for the pricipal, when he came, he smacked and called your dad, and when you got home your dad smacked for embarrassing him and getting in trouble. THEN when you went back to school after that you had detention on top of it all. One thing was for sure, you DIDN'T do it again. It's even so bad that our cops can't do their jobs. In VT this week 2 troopers responded to a domestic dispute which is common over there. When they arrived a woman emerged from the house waving a pistol at the officers. They fired hitting her in the legs, (good marksmanship since I would have shot for the torso) and she was taken to the hospital where she is being treated. The pistol was a bb gun, but have you seen how real some of them look today? Anyway a neighbor/onlooker said it was excessive force and not needed. SHUT UP!!!! You come out waving a gun that to an officer looks're lucky you live! I really don't know where the thought process is involved with some of these people. Back then, police would have been awarded medals for courage and marksmanship and considered humanitarians for NOT killing the woman. Not today. I want back CHIPS and Reagan, smokey and the bandit and light sabres, jiffy pop popcorn and glass soda bottles, cars that you COULD push start if the battery died and you didn't need a degree and computer to work on them. I want back the days of Scooby Doo and the mystery machine, family feud and whole milk, no 2%, 1% or white water. Rotary phones and party lines, rabbit ears and black and white TV's, Waylon Jennings and Merle Haggard. But leave the bell bottoms and nasty ties OK? LOL
I was with you all the way until i got to the B&W TV's and Rabbit ears part....@#$@#$@@%that!!...Cable and color TV's RULE!!!!


Magna and gang - great stuff! I'm trying to instill as much of that view we all had growing up when I was a kid (i'm 36). Of course there is a balance like the safest car seats for my boys as long as they are the right size and wieght till they big enough to ride w/out one.

But we ONLY have the basic cabel (12 channels) so they can get PBS clearly and they only get max of 1 hour a day of TV. They do like to play computer games but those are for days when it is wet or too cold outside to play, and at least thus far (at 3 and 5 years old) only educational games.

I think some of the difference is increase in capabilities and true safety measures. Would any of us NOT want to have heart surgery if we needed it, where 50 years ago it was not an option?

But then you look at the stupid lawsuits that have caused way to many laws and lawsuits, which in turn have cause everyone to rely on the government and manufacturers instead of parents and personal responsibility!

Perfect example is states requiring mandatory Pregnancy insurance coverage for all insurance policies. And that includes 60 year old couples who have already had vasectomy and the wife is post menapause!!!

But I also think the average lunatic has gone overboard too, i.e. the snatching kids from not only front yards, back yard but bedrooms too!! I'll leave my political views on stronger immediate punishment of specific crimes for a day on the soapbox!

Magna - Thanks for making us think and remember!

Rob - My kids LOVE Scooby Doo! Their favorite rental at Block Buster when we let them is the 70's Scooby Doo videos!!! Oh and "Rotary phones and party lines, rabbit ears and black and white TV's" your like WHAT 29?? I had touchtone, and color TV and i'm 36!!
Funny that you mention heart surgery, Michael.....

When I was 23, my boss underwent a SINGLE by-pass - cutting edge back in the early 70's..... So, come 20 years later (1991), and I have an "old hat" quintuple by-pass!

And, being a diabetic since age 10 (10 from 52 equals 42 years!), I can't begin to tell you all the changes that have taken place in management of that disease!

Now, about the common cold.....

Come on Mac, don't you remember having that one in the garage with a coat hanger sticking out the back and 4 lbs of tin foil on it to pick up the game on Saturday afternoon? You got perfect reception as long as your buddy stood there holding onto it the whole time. That was funny! Your remote control was your little brother. McDonalds was where you got to go once every couple of months when you were super good or it was your birthday. Remember dumping all the cracker jacks or cereal out of the box to get to the prize. They don't even do that anymore do they? Cars had power steering by "armstrong" and 70 mph AC. Gas was....never mind last time we got into that somebody got in trouble and pontoon was sunk! LOL
Rob -

I remember the first time I filled up my first car in 1968. It was a red, 1963 VW Beetle. Took $3.21!

Then, in the early 70's, just before the oil crunch, we had Gas Wars bringing the price down from about .409 to .239 per gallon!

I bet before we're gone, we'll see it at $3.21 per GALLON!
Heck yeah I remember that TV Rob,....I stole it from YOUR garage and had it in my dorm room and apt's for 5yrs at FSU!

LOL...and the damn thing only got 2 channels and 1 of them was fuzzier than a baby penguin!! Which also reminds me of the lowsy news and weather anchors on the local channels in Northern Michigan!! The REALLY bad part is those same anchors are STILL THERE!!!!! ahahahahhaa....Last time I was up there watching local news, I saw the same dude doing the sports that was doing them 22yrs ago when I was in college!! DUDE!!,..send out some resume's!!! Get a promotion! ahahahaha....Life in Northern's so heavenly, even the "Talking Heads" won't leave!!!

I love it...

Ok, now I'm probably showin' my age, but I remember the jiffy-pop, and I do remember having to sit on the kitchen floor with my brother and watching the Blackhawks' games on the rabbit ear special, black and white, (mid 60's)'cause it was the only room in the house where you could get good enough reception.

I also remember fixin' our bikes up by adding extra sets of forks so the front wheel was wayyyy out there, boy, we musta looked dumb riding down the street.... street hockey games in summer, 5 on 5, nets made of 2x4's and chicken wire, using my garage door as target practice with those old, solid, hard plastic street hockey pucks, filling it with dents and holes, dad never saying a thing about it, just patching and painting every year till we grew out of that stage...... hey all those are ALL great posts... lots 'o memories........ egMike