No more Nitro/Tracker for me,,,

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Donn Norton2

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
I bought a Tahoe deck boat in Aug. of 2005. Come to Oct. 2006 spider cracks appeared at the front of the boat on the cap where the boarding ladder is mounted, which we don't use. Now I mean major spider cracks. The hull has a 5 year structual warranty and a 1 year service warranty. Well I took the boat to the dealer and they took pictures and was told that the Tracker warranty group denied my claim. I called Tracker customer relations and got them to review it again, they called and again denied my claim. I have owned 4 Nitros that I had bought new and never had a problem with any claims for workmanship. I guess the old saying is true, you get what you pay for. It's my own fault since I do know that their quality of workmanship is poor at best on their boats, show me a Tracker or Nitro product and I'll show you many imprefections in the fiberglass. So I will no longer to any bussiness with bass amertuer shops, I mean bass pro shops. I also had my name taken off their mailing list. My next boat will not be a Tracker or Nitro product. I'm through with bass amertuer shops. Sorry I needed to vent. I guess I'm the stupid one.
Vent you may...but, you don't have to leave;)

Set down, grab a cold one and we can talk further.

Been there but, I'm still with them for awhile I guess.


I've definitely had some issues with Tracker but, can honestly say, "they worked it out for me on my tin rig".
Your experience has not been mine. I can come up with a horror story for every manufacturer. So I can only agree with one statement you made. You figure out which one that is.
quality cant be that big an issue since you say youve bought 4 new boats from them, sounds like a case of sour grapes. all manufactures have there problems, keep trying and you might come to an agreement with them.

mike c
I'm sorry to hear about your boat. I happen to have a '95 Nitro bass boat that I bought three years ago and there is not a single stress crack in the gel coat. I've been more that satisfied with my Nitro experience.

Don - That stinks that they are not honoring your claim, its still barely over a year old! You said " called Tracker customer relations and got them to review it again, they called and again denied my claim. " What was the basis for them denying the claim? We're all a family here, have a tendancy to stand up for the product (most of us) based on our own experiences, so tell us "the rest of the story" so we can understand! Did they say it was caused by you vs. factory defect?


I think i know why his claim was denied. They only cover the top cap for a year. so anything that shows up after a year isnt covered anymore. It should be spelled out in the warranty. Its not just a tracker thing either, most all of them only cover the top cap for a year.

Im not saying that that makes it right, id be pi$$ed too.....
Jim B hit the nail on the head as to why the claim was denied. I would have hoped that since I've been a loyal customer that they would take that into account, plus only being 3-4 months since the warranty ran out. But I guessed wrong. I guess I'll have to live with it. Does anyone have a e-mail address to someone in Tracker that I could possibly plead my case to ? Or I'm I just wasting my time?
Jim B hit the nail on the head as to why the claim was denied. I would have hoped that since I've been a loyal customer that they would take that into account, plus only being 3-4 months since the warranty ran out. But I guessed wrong. I guess I'll have to live with it. Does anyone have a e-mail address to someone in Tracker that I could possibly plead my case to ? Or I'm I just wasting my time?
And then you wonder why I drive tin... :blink:

Have you had a fiberglas repair shop give you an estimate as well as an analysis of what would be involved in a fix? While it was two months out of warranty in October, had the cracks appeared before then?
If Tracker wont get involved then I would prob find a real good Fiberglass shop and have them take out the Ladder you never use and fix it right up. The hull has a 5 year structual warranty is what caught my eye. What if the Cracks started heading towards the Hull? Would it be covered then? Sorry to hear about your Probs with your Boat. I hate it when I hear people putting out good money for a product and it starts falling apart within a year. I have been lucky on my last two Boat's. One was Tin (Great Boat) and (This one's for Greg) then I upgraded to Glass! :cool:

Max <><
Basswest, i would check with the service manager at your dealer. Maybe they can provide you with an email address of someone a little higher up the chain. Or maybe even tracker customer service can provide that for you.

Personally i dont think you would be wasting your time trying to escilate it up the ladder. It cant hurt thats for sure. As it sits they are going by the letter of the warranty, thats what companies do. And thats why they have a warranty written on paper. Maybe if you go a little higher up the chain you can get them to go beyond the warranty and fix it. Theres no guarantee they will but its worth a try. Just one thing to keep in mind, be professional in your letters/emails. A little professionalisim goes a long way...

I havent seen the cracks for myself but they are most likely clear coat cracks and are simply cosmetic in nature. When it comes to cracks like that the "structural" warranty does not apply. If you look at the waranty's from Ranger, Triton, Champion, Stratos, etc, etc. None of them cover cosmetic cracks or "chazing" after a year. I would be willing to bet that if you had any one of those boats in the same situation they would say the same thing. I know people who have had similar type issues with other brands after a year and no free fix. A good buddy of mine had cracking around the cleats of his Ranger after a year and a half( he never used them either). He thought for sure Ranger would take care of it because of thier reputation for customer service. Well they said nope, here is our waranty, what we cover and what we dont. He never got them fixed, they are still there to this day.
Thanks Jim. I'll take your advice. Thanks to all for the response. Merry Christmas!!
Don't fret. Keep at em. It only took me 19 months to resolve a warrany claim on my boat. :eek:
Stay on them it took me 4 years and a lot of emails and phone calls .... document every phone call,email and every conversation with the dealer

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