Hard steer problem solved.

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David Scogin

Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
My boat was extremely hard to turn left, I knew the amount of muscle to turn it something was just not right. I took boat to my dealer and after a thorough inspection of boat he noticed the hydraulic cylinder was not centered on the steering bar (not sure if these are the right terms) one side was about 1" shorter than the other side, he adjusted the cylinder till evenly spaced and BINGO, my boat now drives great, turns to left without straining shoulder. Amazing how something that small can make that big of difference. Thanks to all the people on here giving suggestions to help solve my problem.
Was it not centered due to it being spaced or bushed improperly? Still trying to work it out how it hydraulically "knew" the difference? Glad it's better regardless. :cool:
Space I guess. One side of steering arm stuck out farther than other, he adjusted and it was like day compared to night. I'm very happy with boat now.