dead livewell

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ron cancilla

Jul 11, 2011
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I have a 2006 Nitro 901 with two live wells

the one behiend the drivers side doesn't pump at all, I have no power to the one of the four switches or the pump itself.I checked the fuses and all are good. there's two red canisters connected to the livewell switches two switches per canesters. I switched them and there was no change, the far right switch still doesn't work, so I figure there good.

anyone had this problem if so please share
Hi lb,

I have a 2000 901 and have problems with my livewells ever since it was new. I fish a lot on Lake Erie, so at times it can get rough. The factory wired the switches and pulled the wire so tight that the leads kept coming off the back of the switches. I used needle nos pliers to sqeeze down on the leads and that helps to keep them more secure.

The fuses that are in the fuse-block under the driver's dshboard got corroded. The fuses looked good, but I wasn't getting a good contact thru them. I finally replaced the whole fuse-block and all new fuses.

Sometimes the recirculating pumps don't work. I think they may be getting a vapor lock? They will work fine sitting in my driveway, but out on the water, they choose not to work sometimes? Still haven't figured out what it really is?


Don't ask me how I know this but if your pumps get finicky on the lake. turn them on and back the boat up in the water. It works.

feel great shame

I fixed my problem it was a fuse even though I pulled it out previously and looked at it I missed it, didn't look bad but when tested it was

You didnt happen to buy that fuse at Harboe Frieght did you?

Mac bought a fuse kit there and almost ALL of them were the same way....they would work, but when they blew you couldnt tell looking at them.
TOXIC - You ar etalking about "dry lock". By going backward you are basically priming your pump by forcing water into it.

Neat trick to know.
TOXIC's trick can also be used when you aerator pumnp dies.

On my boat, the only way to get water in the livewell is the aerator, and when it went out once during a TX, I just pumped the livewell down 1/2 way and backed up under moderate power for a few minutes to refill the live well every hr or so (it was 40 deg out, so not a huge concern like had it been 90 or more).

The prop backwash forces water into the livewell thru the overflow line.