Alarm sounding on throttle?

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Bill P

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2001
Reaction score
Ok, here's the story. I was in a club tourny yesterday, and I had to come off plane quickly, and throw it in reverse , so as to not hit a guy in my club, who rudely, (and dangerously) cut me off. The result was 30-40 gallons of water coming over the back, and into the middle of the boat. My boom box got destroyed, and a short while after that, while I was fishing, my alarm on my throttle was giving the "oil" signal, continous beeps. The alarm did this while the key was not turned on, and even after I removed it from the ignition. It wasn't a normal alarm, it was kinda muffled, and intermittent, kinda like it was struggling. When I turned the key to start the motor, it would sound louder, and steady, but as soon as the motor started, it would stop completely. Ok, after a long story, could something getting wet, have caused the alarm to sound like this? I never got an alarm, for the three years I've owned this boat. I stopped by my boat mechanic, on the way home to make sure it was ok, and he said to make sure it didn't do it, while the key was on, and if it did, to add oil to the gas, until I could get it to him.

Also, on another note, would you have gotten him disqualified, for unsafe boating? I chose not too, but a few members said I should have. Thanks
I would have met him at the ramp with my partner as a witness and told him that he had a bill to pay at your mechanics for damaging your boat. If he balked, I would have gone to the tourney director. After all, your only other option would have been to hit him, then there would have been damamge to 2 boats!!

What, no one wants to comment on this? I thought this would have brought on responses by all the tourny fisherman. Ohh well. Thanks Toxic, but I had no partner for this T, it's my word against his. Although another member said he saw it too, from a distance.
Tough situation. Go to the tourney director anyway, even if it is post tourney. Tell him the story, but approach it strictly from a safety issue. You obviously will likely not ever get any repair money from him, so why bother.

If you approach the tourney director from a safety perspective, with help from your buddy/observer in another boat, you will be taken seriously.


Personally... I would first speak to the guy directly... Ask him if he was aware of what he did and the consequences... Then if he does not respond positively to watch his driving and to repairing your boat and replacing any damaged equipment go to the tournament director and the club board and formally complain... Next time he may kill someone besides himself...
Well, I got the boat out again, and it seems ok,(no alarm) but since my mechanic is close by, I dropped it by his place for a once over afterwards. Also, my radio seems to have dried out, and works now.

I will definetly have a talk with this guy the next time I see him, and let him know how I feel. The club officers know about the incident, and will be keeping an eye on him as well. I'm just glad that nothing bad really happened.

Thanks, Bill.
Should have DQ'd him. Talking to the tourney director after the fact does nothing, even from a safety perspective. There are provisions in the rules for you to file a protest and you should have. Dont cry about it after (I am not saying you are crying here, but to the tourney director after the fact you will be. there is nothing he can do to help after the scales are closed).
