South Louisiana Fisheries

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Barry Dufour

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Lafayette, La.
I've been watching the news concerning the oil spill. The areas east of the mouth of the Mississippi river is some prime fishing areas. I've fished Brenton Sound and around the Chandelier Islands and that where the oil spill is look like heading. Not to mention the shrimp and oysters. I'm afraid that the price of oysters and shrimp will go crazy. I sure hope that they do something quickly before the oil hits the beaches of Mississippi, Alabama or maybe even Florida.

Barry from Louisiana:(
Obama and the EPA should tell BP,.."Affective immediately,....via Executive order,...we will FINE your company $1million dollars PER DAY, for every day that that well continues to spew oil, you will be totally responsible for any and ALL clean up efforts and expenses related to this ecological disaster,......this also goes for EVERY Oil company drilling or transporting oil within our borders and boundry waters"

Watch how fast BP will get that friggen spigget shut!! (With a 5.5BILLION dollar profit the 1st's chump change to them!!)

But NOOOOOO,...he's gotta squeeze in 18 holes,....maybe have a couple real sense of urgency. ...and everybody ripped on "W" for post-Katrina clean-up.

Generally, my comment is that this type of problem (whether it was an accident or sabotage) - is not simply like putting the bathtub stopper back in. Unfortunately.

The part that get's me is this - is not the explosion in International Waters? How in the world does the President and/or his staff, think they can control something that happens in International Waters?

I'm sure that BP understands that they are going to have to pay, regardless. And fining someone $1mm a day (such as BP or Exxon) is nothing to them. Well, maybe not nothing - but . . . .

Who will pay any fine or clean up? Us, of course.

It's a bad deal, no doubt about it but it was a bad deal when the volcano in Iceland went off and certainly a bad deal on Mt. Saint Helen's when that one went off. Crap happens.

How this going to affect the coastal industries, gambling in Ala. sportfishing, beaches, recreational boating industry?

The question I have for the Obamanator in Chief; Why isn't the full resources of the Navy and Coast Guard being deployed with all of their state of the art hazmat abilities??? This many days into Katrina the same idiots in charge now were ready to tar and feather president Bush. Guess it's like the rest of the current prez's rhetoric. :wacko: :blink:
The spender in chief was busy campaigning, oh pardon me, doing a commencement in Michigan today. This is a big freaking deal.
Guys the CEO of BP has already said they accept full reposibility and are going to pay for everything. The shut down, the clean up, and every dime anyone loses because of this. Personally I think this is the one that will end BP as a company!!

So that said, Barry I am sorry to see the hell coming the gulfs way.:angry:

Right now the key thing is shutting this down and saving what can be saved. I agree with Dan the full resources of the US should be in progress on this.

Obama is too little to late. He sends homeland security in are you serious.

Then you have salazar running around threatening everyone. "Someone is going to pay" Shut up salazar there will be plenty of time for finger pointing later.

He even sent his cabinet member head of climate policy down, :wacko: talk about political grandstanding.

Then as unbelieveable as it seemed There is the attorney general sending a team of lawyers down :eek:" to put the full resources of the justice department available and enforce all environmental laws and protect the people and animals of the gulf".

I damn near fell out of my chair. :angry: Are the suits going to march down to the water and hold up a cease and desist order and tell the oil to stop coming to shore. :blink:

Good god president Obama pull these non functional department heads and lawyers out of the way and get people in there that are going to do the real work.:angry::angry:

Have the navy come in and shove a gigantic bomb in the ground next to the hole and blow it closed if you have to. Just do something rather that having politicians run around and get in the way.
Looks Bad for everyone.... Another gas Price Increase for sure...The price of sea food will be thru the roof ......