Bill McElroy
Well-Known Member
You guys sound like you had a GREAT time!!...Glad to hear that!! Mini and I would've had a little problem to deal with if we were there!!...My ignition switch went bad on us saturday morning at the ramp!! I had my boat out friday and never had a problem,...saturday morning at the ramp, it was toasted!! Mini got a call from Pat Verbeek from the Wing's offering him 2 tickets to the playoff game saturday!! He was faced with a traumatic decision,..go to the game or wait for another buddy to show up with his boat to take Mini out,...(Mini's boat is in for repairs) sooooooo, luckily, Mini's got friends like me who can say,.."Are you freakin' nuts Mini?!....You can fish anytime you want,....You've got the wings calling YOU, and offering playoff tickets!!....HELLLOO!!!!!!" Mini went to the game,.....I went to the service center and had my ignition switched replaced and the wings kicked butt, was a beautiful day!! Imagine if we would've driven all the way to MO to have that happen!! UNREAL!
Anyway,...really anxious to hear more stories about the weekend, and here's hoping we can all make next years!!
If Pierre and co. host it next year,.....we gota hit Lk. Simcoe for the smallies!! That lake is awesome!!! Seeya!!
Anyway,...really anxious to hear more stories about the weekend, and here's hoping we can all make next years!!
If Pierre and co. host it next year,.....we gota hit Lk. Simcoe for the smallies!! That lake is awesome!!! Seeya!!