O.K. guys the boat should be ready to rock n roll this afternoon. Good thing too. I have three friends that want to go out on Sunday before I start having trips booked and I bet all of them that I could catch 40 fish before the day was out, by myself. Raised the anty by betting I could catch the first 5 within 100 yards of the launch. Now I have to live up to it. I thought you would all have fun with this as well. I really am under the gun as 2 camcorders will be recording my triumph or demise. Rest assured that I will post on Monday morning to let everyone know how I did. This video will be my first real attempt at landing some local sponsors. Wish me luck. And guys, it's not a cocky thing. I am just trying to prove my salt to some potential dealerships without having the in depth record they are looking for. I just want to prove to them that I am a worthy investment. Any feedback from you seasoned state team folks would be appreciated.