I'm baaack!

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Carli Drake

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2001
Reaction score
Hey Scott...did you miss me??

I see we have another ham on the board ... Lamar up there in Maine!

Think I'm going to have to have a serious talk with the sporting goods dept. at the local Wally World. I found the neatest bass lures and my Plano tackle boxes at the super Wally World in Rome GA. Our fishing dept up here is only 1 isle of tackle and then it's geared towards Trout fishing instead of Bass, but down in Georgia...oh my! Isle after isle of Bass lures!! My van was full of stuff! Guess I need to move down South!

I've been counting the days...... The hours...... The minutes..... The seconds......

I didn't know if I was going to make it..... I squeezed my teady bear, Ralphie, so hard at night that he's now got an hour-glass figure..... Tigger, the cat, has a stiff neck from watching me pace back and forth..... There isn't a bunch of daisey's left at the supermarket - I've done more "She loves me; she loves me not's" than any dozen boys should in a lifetime.....

So...... Did you miss me?
Scott....my hubby says you're a sick puppy and you need to go Bass fishing......BAD!!!!!

Answer: -.--/./...
Tell him that Nurse Kratchet gave me a 90-day supply of my meds - everyone is safe!
"Some pills make you larger....

And some pills make you small....

And the one's that

Mother gives you

Don't do anything at all.....

Go ask Alice

When she's ten feet tall......"

- Jefferson Airplane
"Just a spoonfull of sugar

Makes the medicine go down.....

Medicine go down!

Medicine go down!

Just a spoonfull of sugar

Makes the medicine go down.....

In a most delightful way!"

- Mary Poppins
"Doctor! Doctor!

Mister M.D.!

Now can you tell

What's been ailin' me?

It's Love!

Love! Love! Love! Love!"

- Young Rascals
"When I get older,

Losing my hair,

Many years from now......

Will you still be sending me a Valentine?

Birthday greetings?

Bottle of wine?

If I've been out

'Til a quarter to three,

Would you lock the door?

Will you still need me?

Will you still feed me?

When I'm sixty-four?"

- The Beatles
Scott. I think you took to many of those meds.

Carli. We apologize for Scott. He still hasn't figuerd out that two downers don't make an upper....;Oo

just kidding Scott..

Glad you made it back OK. Say Hello to the husband.

And Enough of the Morse code...

- .... .- - / .. ... / ..- -. .-.. . ... ... / -.-- --- ..- / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / -. . . -.. / - --- / - . .-.. .-.. / .... .. -- / ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. / .. -. / -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.- / .--. . ... -.-. .. / --- / -- --- .-. .. .-. .

John F.

Pesci O Morire

Heck, John....... That's just the way mind works!

Sometimes, especially when I'm in a good mood, melodies just pop into my head! Usually, it'll be just a single classical melody that'll repeat itself over and over again. Then, sometimes, it's good, old rock and roll! And with that, one leads to another......

Inevitably, I have to either go to my music collection and pull out the actual CD and give it a listen...... Or, if it's not in my collection...... I'm compelled by forces far beyond my control to go out and get a copy! If I don't, it just keeps playing continuously in my head...... Kinda like when Patrick Swazye kept singin' "I'm Henry the 8th, I am" over and over to Whoopie Goldberg in "Ghost"!

OK........ So that you'll all know that I realy am crazy....... I'm going to share an honest-to-God true story with you all...... I'm copying this from an e-mail that I sent recently to a lady I met when I purchased a CD from her on e-bay...... It was one of those "had-to-haves"...... She was curious as to why........

So here is the letter......

Back in 1981, I was going through one of the many valleys in my life...... I was starting my own business as a Manufacturers' Representative in the Automotive Aftermarket. I had been counting on my wife's income as an RN to help keep some of the bills paid - but she filed for divorce. She didn't want the house so I was trying to keep it - $860 a month was pretty hefty 20 years ago. To add to the fear factor, I didn't have my old hiding place to run to when I got scared - a dedicated alcoholic, I was not even one year into the program. (Last September 1st, I celebrated 21 years of sobriety!)

Many times during this period, I was way down in the dumps........ Not knowing what to do next. Not even wanting to go on. Every time I hit one of those low points, a little melody would pop into my head........ There was something in that melody that seemed to bring me strength...... To lift my spirits....... To give me the courage to go on.......

Strange thing was that, as soon as the crisis would pass - so would the melody leave my head. Couldn't bring it back - not to save my life. It only popped in when it was needed! When I tried to recall the melody - about the closest I could come up with was one from "Lawrence of Arabia". I had seen "Lawrence" only once, twenty years earlier when it first came out and I was 10 years old......... When I was in my teens, I would sit in the living room, late into the night, with my head resting on my arms over the top of the stereo - listening to the music from "Lawrence of Arabia" over and over again! For some strange reason, I always identified with the character of Lawrence that I had seen in the movie......... And, after all, I did look a little like Peter O'Toole - slender, blond hair, blue eyes....... Only real difference was that he was so tall and I was short. Later found out that the real T.E. Lawrence was - like me - only 5'6"!


This happened so many times. Then there came a day........ I was about 2 years into the business and was dead broke....... I mean DEAD BROKE........ I was ready to give everything up. Nothing left to fight with.........

I had one last chance. I was representing a company called California Cushion; they made car seat cushions and seat covers. I had an appointment with the Buyer at Venture Stores - they were a chain of discount department stores here in Missouri, Illinois and Kansas, similar to Target or WalMart and had about 40 stores at the time....... I was well prepared! Samples of my product and other manufacturers
OK RULE # 1 FOR THE RALLY......NO SINGING!!!!!!,cept maybe a lil Buffet!
Scott - First, I really think you need to talk to Calista Flockhart and get on Ally McBeal! You'd fit in just fine with that crew and thier songs! Hey you might even get some of your favorite singers to do guest spots!

Second - That is one great story and if you ever doubted that there is Fate in the world, I bet you didn't after that!
Hey, Trep! That's a GREAT idea! I could get Penny Berryman to do the Guest spot! We could do an old Meatloaf duet........

"Stop right there!

I gotta know right now.....

Before we go any further.....

Do you love me?

Will you love me forever?

Do you need me?

Will you never leave me?

Will you make me so happy

For the rest of my life?

Will you take me away?

Will you make me your wife?

Do you love me?

Will you love me forever?"

"Let me sleep on it.....

Baby! Baby!

Let me sleep on it.....

I'll give you an answer in the morning....."

"I gotta know right now!

Do you love me?

Will you love me forever?

Do you need me?

Will you never leave me?

I gotta know right now!

Before we go any further.....

Do you love me?

Will you love me forever?

"What's it gonna be, Boy?

Yes..... Or..... No?"

"All of a sudden it hit me,

Oh, God, I was crazed!

And a feelin' came on me

Like a tidal wave.....

Started swearin' to my God

And on my mother's grave

That I would love you till the end of time!

I swear!

That I would love you till the end of time!

"So, now I'm prayin' for the end of time

To hurry up and arrive!

Cuz if I gotta spend another minute with you

I don't think that I can really survive.....

I'll never break my promise,

Or forget my vow.

But God only knows

What I could do right now.....

So, I'm prayin' for the end of time;

That's all I can do..... do..... do.....

I'm prayin' for the end of time,

So I can end..... my..... time..... with you!"

(We'd, of course, have to switch the male and female parts!)

John F. - I didn't start the code thing...Scott did! And yes I'll stop with the code (unless I really need to tell him something in code!) LOL

Now....Scott...I REALLY think you need to go fishing....PLEZ???

You don't like Meatloaf?

If you'd prefer, I can do a bit of Buddy Holly.....

Meatloaf? I'll give you an answer in the morning!

I don't like Buddy Holly...and I'm certainly not going to encourage you! LOL (but I do like Alabama!) LOL LOL

Carli..... You certainly realize by now..... Encouragemnet or discouragement..... Makes no difference..... I'm this way naturally!

And, I'm sorry, but I don't know anything by Alabama..... However, if I were to learn..... Would you love me forever?



Yes...I realize you're incurable!

Answer: "For the rest of my life!"

Carli *
So..... What your favorite 'Bama CD and track..... I'll go out this evening, buy it and start the memorization process! (Remember now..... I'm QUITE a bit older than you are..... Getting the words down may take a while!)


(In the meantime, how 'bout if I do some Peter, Paul & Mary?)
"...whitetail buck deer,

munchin' on clover

red-tailed hawk

sitting on a limb

fuzzy old groundhog

croaking bullfrog

free as a feeling in the wind

homegrown country-girl

gonna give me a whirl

on a Tennessee Saturday night...."
Yeah yeah,

"one arm on the wheel and holdin my lover with the other"

Yada yada!

Alabama Rules, but I WANT TO HEAR BUFFET!
Actually I saw Alabama in concert at Lake Placid in '88, they were rockin then and are still rockin now! Better than that wimpy little Lonestar! Now my wife and I saw Brooks and Dunn last fall....man those guys put on a show!

"husbanda and wives.." anyone? Love that old song!
I once thought of love as a prison

a place I didn't want to be

So long ago, I made a decision

to be footloose and fancy-free

But you came and I was so tempted

to gamble on love just one time

I never thought, that I would get caught

It seemed like the perfect crime

Baby you left me defense-less

I've only got one plea

Lock me away, inside of your love

and throw away the key

I'm guilty...of love in the first degree

I thought it would be so simple

like a thousand times before

I'd take what I wanted, and just walk away

but I never made it to the door

Now babe I'm not beggin' for mercy

go ahead and throw the book at me

If lovin' you's a crime

I know that I'm as guilty as a man can be

Love in the first degree (oh-oh yeah)

Love in the first degree

Oh Yeeeaaaah!

"durn cabin fever"

Neeley for prez

OK..... Please pardon me if I'm a bit off key.....

"Rollin' down a backwoods Tennessee by way

One arm on the wheel

Holdin' my lover with the other

A sweet, soft, Southern thrill

"Worked hard all week, got a little jingle

On a Tennessee Saturday night

Couldn't feel better, I'm together

With my Dixieland Delight

"Spend my dollar

Parked in a holler

'Neath the mountain moonlight

Hold her up tight

Make a little lovin'

A little turtle dovin'

On a Mason-Dixon night

Fits my life, oh so right

My Dixieland Delight

"White tail buck deer munchin' on clover

Red tail hawk sittin' on a limb

A chubby old groundhog, croakin' bullfrog

Free as the feelin' in the wind

"Home grown country girl gonna give me a whirl

On a Tennessee Saturday night

Lucky as a seven livin' in heaven

With my Dixieland Delight

"Spend my dollar

Parked in a holler

'Neath the mountain moonlight

Hold her up tight

Make a little lovin'

A little turtle dovin'

On a Mason-Dixon night

Fits my life, oh so right

My Dixieland Delight

Spend my dollar

Parked in a holler

'Neath the mountain moonlight

Hold her up tight

Make a little lovin'

A little turtle dovin'

On a Mason-Dixon night

Fits my life, oh so right

My Dixieland Delight

Rollin' down a backwoods Tennessee by way

One arm on the wheel

Holdin' my lover with the other

A sweet, soft, Southern thrill

"Worked hard all week, got a little jingle

On a Tennessee Saturday night

Couldn't feel better, I'm together

With my Dixieland Delight"

So, Carli......

"Do you love me?

Now that I can sing!!"

yeah, he can type it, but WHAT did it sound like as he was singin it? SCARY! Hard to sing with your mouth full of strawberries and diet Dr. Pepper Scott?
Come on Scott....fess up!!!! You cut and paste that stuff right????









I'm going back into hiding! Never figured you guys had cabin fever THAT bad!

Scott....Puff the Magic Dragon!

Rob....I have an autographed picture and CD from Randy Owens. Been to his house in Ft Payne too! He's just a regular good 'ol boy! My S-I-L knows Randy's wife Kelly real good!
Carli -

Have you ever heard the PPM album, "Peter, Paul & Mommy"? It's full of children's songs and was recorded live at an orphanage; in many of the cuts you can hear the kids join in! It is absolutely Delightful! My favorite all-time PPM song is on it - "That Marvelous Toy"! "Puff" is there, too!

If you haven't heard it, e-mail me your address and I'll send you a copy on CD!


(Just remember now..... You've gotta let your kids listen, too!)
When I was just a wee little lad,

Full of health and joy,

My Father homeward came one night

And gave to me a toy.....

A wonder to behold it was

With many colors bright!

And the first time that I picked it up

It became my heart's delight!

It went zi-i-ip-p-p when it moved!

And PoP! when it stopped!

And whi-i-ir-r-r-r when it stood still!

I never knew just what it was.....

And I guess I never will.

The first time that I picked it up,

I had a big surprise.....

Cuz right on the bottom were two big buttons

That looked like big, green eyes!

I first pushed one; and then the other.....

Then, I twisted it's lid!

And when I laid it down again,

Here is what it did.....

It went zi-i-ip-p-p when it moved!

And PoP! when it stopped!

And whi-i-ir-r-r-r when it stood still!

I never knew just what it was.....

And I guess I never will.

It first marched left!

And then marched right!

And then marched under a chair!

And when I looked where it had gone,

It wasn't even there!

I started to cry,

But my Daddy laughed

Cuz he knew that I would find

When I turned arround,

My marvelous toy

Would be chugging up behind!

It went zi-i-ip-p-p when it moved!

And PoP! when it stopped!

And whi-i-ir-r-r-r when it stood still!

I never knew just what it was.....

And I guess I never will.

The years have gone by,

Too quickly it seems.....

Now I have my own little boy!

And yesterday I gave to him

That marvelous little toy!

He picked it up!

And twisted it's lid!

And gave a squeel of glee!

Neither one of us knows just what it is.....

But he loves it just like me!

It still goes zi-i-ip-p-p when it moves!

And PoP! when it stops!

And whi-i-ir-r-r-r when it stands still!

Neither one of us knows just what it is.....

And I guess we never will.

(And, no..... That WASN'T cut-and-paste!)
Whatta ya mean WHEN you were a wee lil lad. You ARE a wee lil lad!
Always said I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy....which is where Scott is headed if the GOvernment starts readin this.....lol

Well,..let it be known now,... if he breaks out in a dimented lyrical ramapage in Favazza's...I'm doin' like that Indian in "Cuckoo's Nest" and throwin a chair through the window and gettin' the hell outa dodge!!!! LOLOL
know her???...I dated her!!!!! LOL She sure could mix up a good "mickey"..LOL
I'm in the process of moving tomorrow and Saturday. Maybe, Saturday night, when I just need to sit down and relax, I'll go out and rent "One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest" that was a great movie!

That and "Dr. Strangelove"! Slim Pickens ridin' the bomb down!

Ok, you guys lost me a long time ago so don't make me Al Pacino ya wid some Scarface!