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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Well, thanks for the well wishes and prayers folks, they were and are greatly appreciated. You wouldn't know it, but I tried to post the other night but the pain meds had me so loopy it didn't make any sense. As it is, I have to keep fixing this one! LOL

Surgery was scheduled for 8:00am last Thursday 17th. I didn't get off the table until sometime after 4:40pm. I woke up a bit early too and they had to tie my up so I wouldn't rip my tubes out. Anyway, I lost a LOT of blood and ended up 5 days in the ICU. Let me say the ICU nurses were awesome. Not much at CVPH is, but the cardio and ISU are top notch. They couldn't repair my valve so I am part swine now.....guesss that rumors' been out a while anyway!

They ended up pulling over 1,800 cc of fluid from chest cavity a day later only to draw 500 more a day later. Had a few VERY bad nights and some pain that I cannot relate in words. Look at this way, unable to breath, excruciatiing pain everywhere and I would have gladly traded my boat, tackle, rods, dogs, and guns to make it all go away. Just GOD my my mom and wife staying bying my side got me through. God definately held be close several days and continues. They ended up also have do do a bypass since the artery off my valve was shot, so they yanked it from my left shin. Lots of pain, can't do squat, and I'm JUST getting started yeahhhhhhhhh:wacko: But I should be ready to whack 'em hard come June. That was my primary reason for getting it done now.

Now thos post should have taken me 5 minutes TOPS to type and it has taken well over 15 and I'm shot so later all!!!!;)
glad to hear that you are doing better. dont rush back i know how much you want to but take it form someone who has had to have his surgery redone because i couldnt wait to do thing for myself. be well
Good luck with the valve, I won't tell you what kind I've got but every now and then I get the impulse to moo. I was more fortunate, and I was out of the hospital at the end of the week.
Welcome back Rob. Hoping for a good recovery for ya.

Glad your not chewing daisies from the root end. Man that sounds like an ordeal. Hopefully you'll never have to do this again.

You have a LOT of positive energy from your friends here focused your way hope ;you recover quickly.

Hey Rob, another Rob here. I have all my original valves but I had a mild heart attack while on Kentucky Lake on April 10, 2007. I ended up in the back of an ambulance headed for Lordes Hospital in Paducah. After a stress test that cofirmed I had a definite problem I checked myself out of the hospital and drove 400 miles the next day to get home. I had a triple bypass ten days later on April 20. Spent 3 days in CICU. I tell you all of this to assure you with God's help you can get through this and enjoy life once again. Do what the docs tell you to do and walk, walk, walk, walk!!!!!

Good luck and hope you are back on the water soon!!!!!

Pastor Rob
Does this mean you can't eat pork any more?


Best Wishes, get better soon

Hey Rob, good to hear you are well and on the road to recovery!

Rob, good to hear you are on the mend. Hang in there, get well!
Glad to hear you're on the mend Rob! Hope to hear you're out there smacking toad brownies soon. I'm down in FL hacking some heads and hoping you're back to it quick. Take care and God Bless! :D
Glad you got to post that... Part "pig" now... See, and you thought thatb the surgery wouldn't really be an improvement... LOL

Seriously, my family is keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Stay in touch. Later
Good to hear:D

Rob....can you give some insight on what happened and what anyone else should be aware of as far as warning signs?

You look fairly young;)


Good news Robay...I am sitting in the airport in DC. Drop me a line if I can help or you want to rehab down in FL.

That's great news Rob,....follow the Dr's orders and don't try to do too much too fast!! Smooth sailin'!!

Glad everything worked out A-OK!!

Glad to see you. Listen to your doctor and don't rush it!~
Hater - Mini!!!!

Tee, yeah, it's all genetic. Believe me, you can eat soy tofu and granola all day and wash it down with filtered spring water that's vitamin enriched and end up getting hit by bus that's driven by a drunken circus clown on your way to church!!!

Turns out that on my Mom's Mom's side (Gram for those of you who have been to the house) there is a crap load of heart disease. Nobody is overweight, in fact just the opposite. Both my great grandparents (Gram's mom and dad) died in their late 40's of a stroke and congestive heart failure. As my surgeon pointed out, they didn't have today's tech so it's likely at least one of them had my condition. Then, Gram had a stroke in her 20's while pregnant and my Grandfather has had 2 heart attacks!:eek:

So.....I had a hole in my heart when I was born but it healed up on it's own. And from then on, I had what was referred to as an "innocent" murmur! Innocent my @$$!!!!

See, in each your your chambers is a valve that keeps the blood flowing in one direction and to do that there are 3 cuspids or "leaflets" that make the seal once the blood has left the ventricle. 2 of mine were fused therefore not allowing for a good seal and causing my heart to work overtime. My heart pumped extremely hard to keep the blood out...not faster, just harder, if that makes sense. And so my heart became quite enlarged, the size of an olympic athlete and I was running out of room.

Anyway, the artery coming off that valve was also ruined so they replaced that too. So I had a pig valve replacement and a bypass all at once. At least I won't be on coumadin (sp?) for the rest of my life. I will likely have to have this done again in 20 yrs but hey, if I'm lucky enough to make it that long who knows what kind of technology will be available by then.

Just saw doc today and she says I'm doing well. This process is slow and those of you that know me, know that's the part that's driving me nuts. I might order a jig mold for myself for my birthday tomorrow to give me something to do. Who knows. But I do know, I will be ready for one awesome 2011 season starting with 3 big openers in June, on Champlain!!!! Sight fishing.....my specialty baby. Doc says I should be more than 100% by then. That's why I did the surgery now. Thanks for the support and prayers folks, they are very much appreciated!!!!:D:
Happy Bday dude. I wasnt hatin... :)

Now I guess we need to come up with a new name for you instead of LaMoist. I think Swineheart works!

Glad you are doing better bro.
Inmates can call me a "pig" now and not be totally wrong! Guess I can't be a muslim.....damn! LOL

But does eating bacon, sausage, etc make me a cannibal? The questions we ponder. Definately cannot use Uncle Josh Pork trailers anymore though, have to stick with straight Zoom Super chunks and vibe craws!

I can see now that this will NEVER end...........

And NO, I can't smell truffles any better than any of you guys so don't even ask this spring....Buzz already did!!!:lol:
Inmates can call me a "pig" now and not be totally wrong! Guess I can't be a muslim.....damn! LOL

But does eating bacon, sausage, etc make me a cannibal? The questions we ponder. Definately cannot use Uncle Josh Pork trailers anymore though, have to stick with straight Zoom Super chunks and vibe craws!

I can see now that this will NEVER end...........

And NO, I can't smell truffles any better than any of you guys so don't even ask this spring....Buzz already did!!!:lol:
ROFL.....so glad you are back and you have retained your sense of humor swiney. :)

Now if you start to have uncontrolable urges to roll around in the mud there may be a problem.

Until then....cannibal your way through some turkey bacon! its better for your pig innards anyway!
SHHHHH Mac....its the only way I get to keep my SAG card!

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