Good Mornin' NTOWS - Wednesday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning everyone. Low 80's and low humidity here today. It actually felt cool when I let the dogs out this morning. I had a great nights sleep and feel pretty good this morning. Yippppeeeeee... One of the problems with the pills I'm now taking, though they make me feel a little better, it that I am constantly tired and have no energy. I'll think about doing something and then notice a 1/2 hour later that I haven't gotten up to do it yet.:unsure: I guess that's better then hurting however. Two days to spinal tap *gulp*:)

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Mornin, would have been a good morning to sleep in, nice and cool. But noooo I had to come to work.

Moring All: Last day of work for this week. Everyone have a great week.:):)
Good #*$(&@*&(#@Q$ Morning, heading to the Dentist for an emergency Root Canal - URGGHHHH. Better now then shooting pain next week in canada I guess!

I had a root canal a couple of years ago... it's not as bad as I had feared. You'll be sore for a couple of days but if you have a good Dentist you should feel no pain at all. Be sure to take the gas, tell them that it isn't working so they'll turn it up, put on some headphones and listen to some good music and it'll be over before you know it.

Good morning

Got up this morning and can hardly walk. The knees are so bad. Sitting here waiting for the Tylneol to work.

Good cool morning all from KY! Fishing this Friday night at Cedar Creek Lake for some LMB with my new Spirex reel. All have a safe and God filled day and thanks to all for the info on the Spirex!:D
GM all ,

TREP, my wife is a dental surgeon assistant and have heard a lot of stories. I had Root canal once on what they call a Hot Tooth, which means it does not take the novicane. I had to endure the pain until he was done.

Good luck,

Trep, I forgot my point LOL, make sure you rinse per the instructions and ask if you get get an extra temp cap/crown to take with you to Canada, they fall out a lot!.

Guys - The root canal went as good as it could, this was a specialist so instead of the usual root canal and grind the tooth in prep for a crown, they just drill down into the center and fill it up with a material (only a small hole in the top of the tooth is different) that doesn't degrade for up to 30 days. SO no temp to worry about in Canada!!

Need to watch it for 36 hours to see if any pain or swelling, if so back to the Dentist and vicodin for canada. Hopefuly it will be no pain at all!