Can anyone tell me what these are in the water?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
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The spots.....

Yes these are classified photos of a few of my spots :)





All the Michigan boys cant look....
Mini made brush piles?


Could be anything man. Without a closer look it's hard to say. But I'm sticking with bodybags full of the people who fished Mini's $#!+.
Good one Rob......

Keep guessing. Mac knows, but he isnt allowed to play....

Very close Waterwings....but there is more to the story. I took video yesterday too, but I dont know how well it will come out.

By the looks....I'm gonna' saaaaaaaayyyyyy uuummmmmmmmm....Grass?

I think if they were boulders or chunk rock...they would be darker with inconsistencies in color. Those look pretty uniform.....
Someone got it right already.....I was there yesterday and I was shocked....

Went there last week and saw nothing....yesterday was a different story COMPLETELY!
Dark spots (not to be confused with spotted bass). You got me, can't see enough to tell anything. Since you are not right on top of 'them', I'm assuming it's some type of aquatic being.

There are two 4 pounders on almost everyone of them, some have 5's :)
actually spawning beds....WITH fish :)

How deep is that Minner? Looks shallow but, I'll bet it's deeper than it looks:D

I have some spots around the islands that look similar:)
Mother nature can be SOOO cruel!! LOL...Hey PETA members, glad you're not a shad!!:blink:
Do you have Zebra Mussels yet?? I think they've helped our fisheries,...we've got cleaner water than we've had in years,..and the weed growth is unreal. It's all good...
Mac, I've been curious about what the long term effect has been from tha Zebra Mussels. I know that the have cleared up the water and improved the vegitation but have they been the scourge to industry and boating by clogging up the cooling intakes like was predicted when they first arrived? Has there been a sudden growth in another species that feed on the mussels?

The ecosystem has really adapted. Some of the smaller fish are actually eating the mussels, and yes there are water intakes AND discharges that have ongoing maintenance done to them due to the invasion. The amount of mussels seems to have hit a plateau.

The lake sure did change with the warming trend and the new is taking every bit of energy I have to stay home today. There is even gas in th boat.....the temptation is STRONG....I MUST resist! lol


Nobody knows what the long term effects will be. They are already showing up in some of the TVA lakes and would bet that it would be bad for those lakes because of the dams and rivers:(
The dams will be infested for sure....
:)Christmas Trees BWHAHAHHAHAHAHAH.........
Is BASS coming to St Clair? Looks like Larry Nixon's been "loosing" lawn chairs again!!!

Ok Mac, Neeley and Craig....

I said the Michigan boys cant its either you moved or had something removed. Which is it?:eek:

BTW Lets do crab legs this friday!

Heading north tomorrow for 3 days of 'shroom hunting....we'll have to do legs next week.

I may have a day free during the week next week to check out some of those mysterious spots.....Tues/Wed maybe???