2002 rally update/reminder.

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Pierre should have the link on his site complete soon for next years rally. We will ask Rich to add a link here to go to it directly. I ask that if you intend to go, please register so we will be able to better bargain prices and know exactly how many to accomodate. Don't not worry about posting in the Events post as it will all be moved to the deticated site anyhow. We will also ask that folks pay for the rally in advance if possible, to help with the costs. This is going to be a big event and you don't want to miss it. Mac has offered to donate personalized art to the winners each day. Rick Emmitt at Tracker has stated that they would like to be involved, (we are working out particulars, but it looks very promising), plus I have several local vendors that will probably participate. My goal is that everyone takes home something from the weekend aside from the experience. If you know of any Nitro/Tracker owners that are not actively on this site, invite them to check it out and join in the rally. I am hoping to have a demo of 2002 model boats. Maybe we could have Sarge teach us how to pull them OFF a reef! LOL We will also post locations and pricing for hotels, motels, and campsites. We are optimistic that we will see at least 100 of you. I will not be upset if more show up!!! Again, any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

Rob LaMoy
Rob -

If I read the "Events" section right, you only need 10 bux for us to register? Where do I send it?

Scott, Pierre is working on his site to have the link all set to accept paypal. He will post when it is ready. Should be pretty soon.
