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Michael S

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2003
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I work with a woman who's husband has just put in an application at the local BPS store here in Houston. He is in his early thirties. Would anybody have any idea what kind of pay scale he can expect out of BPS. But I do know he is looking for full time employment and he applied for either the hunting dept or boat sales. Would anybody know a pay scales for these two departments, also he has an interview set up for early part of next week. His wife was wondering if it would be worth the day off from work to interview if it is just going to be a small hourly rate type of thing, or do they have a commisson salary
There are both current and former employees here on the site...I doubt that the current employees will give you a reply but some of the former might give you an "idea".

BTW.....Where the heck is Feely Neeley these days....long time no post.

Boat sales in late July? Hope he's got some money stashed away...

They get a discount, but I think it's only like 15% off most things (boats excluded, obviously). Pay, not real good. I hear Academy pays better, at least for the reel counter.
Been there...Done that!!! Tell him to STAY AWAY FROM BOAT SALES!!!!

If all the stores are the same, he'll get a $250 a week draw plus 2% comission. When he sells a boat, he has to pay back the $250 first. Then what ever is left is his. When I didn't sell a boat my take home was $157 after taxes and medical insurance. Basically, he'll work his butt off for nothing. The turn over in BPS boat sales is incredibly high. The environment is EXTREMELY cut-throat. If you turn you back for a second another sales guy will steal your deal in a heart beat.

I tried it because I was burnt out in engineering and I thought it would be a fun experience. I lasted 3 months and watched my savings disolve down to nothing. I went back into engineering and I make more money in one week than I made in an entire month in boat sales.

I have no idea what someone in other departments make. I do know that it is a steady paycheck that you can rely on and NO ONE ELSE can steal it away.

During the winter, I would love to work there part time. The extra cash plus the discounts would allow me to stock up for spring.

Tell your buddy I said good luck,

And I thought slavery was abolished after the Civil War....

Guess I was wrong.
Ya just gotta love "draw against commission" jobs. Very few commission based jobs pay in the long run. That and the promise of unlimited earnings. I had a quota based commission job once...just once!! Hit your quota and like magic it goes up for the next month and so on, and so on.. I am convinced, the only way to really make $$ is to work for yourself. My F-I-L was a high roller...Owned Midland Electronics, # 2 guy at Western Auto, on the Board of Directors for CBS records, owned many business', he bought sick companys turned them around and sold them. While the rewards and pay may be great, it takes a big toll on other aspects of your life. What good are all of the trappings if you have to neglect your family, not get to see your kids grow up or be part of their lives, move every other year, work 20 hour days 7 days a week, not to mention the stress and pressure.....There is a point where the trade offs get to be just too much. IMHO.

This is the battle I have going on at my job right now. When I took the job I had a guarantee + a small commission. Well I started setting the world on fire and making more than they ever dreamed. When the new owner took over he gave me a lousy $75 a month raise and pull my commission plan. Net loss to Harpo $800 to $1000 a month. He says employees should not be "money motovated". I say what else would motovate someone. He is truly the stupidest man I have ever worked for.

I was hoping to learn some good info regarding pay at BPS since I have one opening here in OKC this fall. I think working at the reel counter could be interesting........but how much does it pay. With my age and experiance I should be management prospect but some companies want to pay their managers $24K a year for a 60 hour week. I'd have to PASSADENA on that one.

you may not think so, but you can make GREAT money in car sale! It's a lot of work, but if your good you can make over 100K a year.... I have several guys in my Dept. making 50-75K..... I also have a few under 30K.... there is no cap to what you can make... the top guy at our store makes 15-20K a month, he has 2 guys working for him....

just my 2 cents!

Kraig, how long has that top guy been selling cars? I'm not trying to argue, but from my experience, trying to make a living off "ups" (people walking in the door without having a salesperson, for those not lucky enough to be in sales) is VERY difficult. It's the repeats and referrals that allow you to sell enough to make enough money.
Kraig, how long has that top guy been selling cars? I'm not trying to argue, but from my experience, trying to make a living off "ups" (people walking in the door without having a salesperson, for those not lucky enough to be in sales) is VERY difficult. It's the repeats and referrals that allow you to sell enough to make enough money.
Kraig, I was in the car biz for 10 years back in my younger days. Made good money but nothing close the what you are talking. The hours are what kills me. At most dealerships I worked at 12 hour days were expected, no matter what your schedule said and the only way you got a day off was because state law requires car dealers to close on Sunday.

A guy I know was banging his head against the wall in the life insurance business and finally starved out. In desperation he went to work at a Ford store and made $5100. his first month.

it's all how you work it..... I made over 100K in my 2nd year..... this month I'll sell 30 trucks.....our average sales person sells 10 per month and makes 4-5k ... it is a lot of hours.... but the money is there if you get in a good dealership....

I've thought about going back to it especially after my friend did so well. My wife gets the deer in the headlights gaze whenever I talk about a straight commission deal again. She has too many memories of chicken one day....feathers the next.

You do internet sales don't you? You're not out busting ups it the hot sun?

Hey Kraig-- Do you give a "extra good" deals to members of this board??

YES Ask Kenny Lively..... he has bought 2 this year.... I can beat any deal for you guys!


Do you deliver to PA? LOL

Rich D

Kraig what kind of deal could you hook me up with on 2003 Dodge Truck 4 door. Off-Road Package with a Hemi.

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