Removing Oxidation/ Polishing Aluminum

  • Thread starter Christopher Parrish
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Christopher Parrish

New Member
Aug 28, 2001
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Does anyone have any recommendations for removing oxidation and restoring the luster to aluminum. Currently I am using Eagle One wadding compound to polish the boat, and it does leave a nice shine, but it takes and excessive amount of time and effort. Is there a better way? Thanks,

Do a search and you may come up with some info... ALSO, Check out interesting product.. I have used a similar cleaner like the one describe called "toon Brite" Haven't heard from anyone about the sealer/ again pictured at the website mentioned
Chris, 3M makes an aluminum polish that works quite well. You will find it in most marine supply stores.

Chris, 3M makes an aluminum polish that works quite well. You will find it in most marine supply stores.

I fish a clear water lake and prefer to leave the lower side of the hull slightly to partly stained to nullify the reflection than may spook fish. But that's just my opinion... I do however keep the rest of my boat spotless.. unless you consider beer bottles and parrot feathers a mess...


"... Lovin on the livingroom floor (so sore)..."
I painted a school of minnows and crawfish on the bottom of my boat.. really attracts the fish. I just reach in and grab them..... Just