
  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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I know this may not be appropriate here but I got so mad, and didn't where else to go, that I had to.

I was just watching one of the news networks, MSNBC I think, and they were showing 20 or 30 people looting a Winn Dixie store. They weren't just carrying merchandise out but were pushing the entire display racks out of the store. The newsman said that 2 police officers were right outside. What's with that? I guess they couldn't do anything because there were too may looters and they are probably handcuffed as to what they can do. I see absolutley no reason you can't shoot these no good s.o.b.'s. It's bad enough that people have to come back to almost nothing but whatever they may have had left after the storm is being stolen by no good sub-human thieves. I have other words for them but can't say it here. Boy I'd love to see a National Guard jeep with a mounted 50 on it pull up and open up!

Sorry for the rant and if you want to pull this Rich I don;t care. I just had to get it off my chest.

You know... I deplore common thievery...

During a blackout or a riot, stealing TV, radios, cars... junk.

But, this is, in some ways, an entirely different event.

Now, I have not read or seen the event being described... but put yourself in the shoes of the 'looters' for one or two moments...

Most likely everything you have is gone, or nearly gone... you need food... the stores are closed... whatcha gonna do?

now, is this the right thing/wrong thing? Not so sure anymore... I wont begrudge anyone stealing neccesities to survive (from a store) during such an extreme event...but one hopes that it doesnt go to far.


While I want to agree with you, it certainly sounds like they are "just being jerks"... but I'm reasonably sure that no one asked the looters what they were doing or why they were doing it... could have been for many more reasons than just being a "jerk".

Again, havent read or seen the story in question...
When Andrew went right over our house in the Bahamas, we got looted as well as all of our neighbors. Shoot em! Not much understanding required. My father was there when the storm hit and didn't get out until several days later. No food was taken, just our personal belongings......
It's not thier's Sim...food or not. Think about it if it were yours.....

I am not defending their actions... I am simply saying that 'we' don't know enough about what they are/are not doing to condemn them.

In the last few minutes, I did go and read the MSNBC article... some of the actions are despicable (they always will be) but I will begrudge no one in this situation the neccesities to survive.... if you read the article, you will even find a mention of the authorities "commandeerring stuff"... is that the same or different?

Some are looting for jewlery and "non essentails"... those are in a class by themselves, and for the most part I fully agree they should be brought up on charges/dealt with as required...those that are after food... notsomuch.

If it were here, and 'my stuff', I would open the doors to the food that I had.... I would also defend my property and my families abiltiy to survive.

nothing more, nothing less.
First let me say thanks for the replies and concerns. It makes me sick too. I am sitting here in my room, wondering if my house made it thru the storm. I also know if it did, I may not have anything left, because of the looting. I only hope their fingers and arms fall off. We will not be allowed to return home for at least a week, they say. I DO NOT live on the eastbank, I live on the westbank of New Orleans (different country). The worst thing about this looting, these people probaly live in projects. There is no power to keep any of this stuff from spoiling, and they also believe it is owed to them. Most are on welfare, and only know a few words. Those words are THEY WON'T GIVE ME, or I can't get, meaning we do not give or they cannot get for free. I bet you anything, none of them work because they have some handicap, should use these tapes against them, looked pretty healty to me.

Taking without asking is stealing in my book.

Whatever it is.....
I agree with both Sim and Tee.

If you're walking out of the store with a bag full of canned goods to feed your family because your house is flooded to the roofline,then I'll give you a pass on that one.

If you're siphoning gas out of a flooded out car to put in your boat to help rescue people,I'll give a pass here too.

If you have ten pairs of Air Jordans hanging over your shoulder,,,,,,,Shoot 'em.

Just my $.02


I also must add that I highly doubt that anybody is looting to scrounge up enough food to feed their families.The VAST majority are just thieves taking advantage of the situation.....and should be shot.;)
I agree. If you need food and water, take just what you need. Those people were taking everything. My older brother lost everything. His house is in St. Bernard parish. He is staying with us now in Lafayette, La. and can stay forever if need be. Guys, to help out please give to the American Red Cross if you can. They will need it for months.

1) That Looting is a terrible thing! And I pray your property is untouched Gilbert. I see Sim's point of view as well, if my family needed to eat or drink well then I might do the same thing, I certainly would not be driving around on go-cart's from an amusement park! But remember this is TV/Media coverage, they only show us the bad stuff for the most part.

2) More Looting of another kind. The worst looting in my opinion is happening very far north on Wall Street right now as we post replies! Oil & Gas futures going out of control. GW or the Fed. Reserve should suspend all trading of petro pruducts & commodities and give everyone a cool off period. "Gamblers" aka futures and options traders are destroying our economy! based on speculation.

3) Why not take some of our hard earned taxes and build a couple refineries real quick like, at this point I don't care who makes a profit from it, as long as it refines 87 octane! LOL. We could use some of the money we usually give away to other countries.! :angry:

Sorry, off my soap box now :(
Yes it was food... But wait just a second folks... Do you all believe everything you see on TV... These folks have been known to put their own spin on things... While I abhore the thought of looting... WE NEED MORE INFORMATION...

Don't start shooting folks til ya know the details... none of us really know what is going on... we have all been in bad times and sometimes we might understand the why's... but in this case I do not necessarily judge what they are doing as a shoot first ask later a justified solution....

Tight Lines,

And prayers to those in the stricken areas... God bless them all and be with them...

That's what I was trying to say as well Bill, but I also seen on the news website that some people are stealing go-carts from amusement parks. :angry:
It's not ok to steal EVER! If these people are just trying to survive (only a day and one-half after the storm it's highly unlikely they should be out of anything) and are as altruistic as Sim says, why didn't they leave money for what they took?

Read the post again, they were NOT carrying out a loaf of bread, peanut butter and water to survive. They were grabbing anythin they could. They are THIEVES! period.


It's a shame tht our society condones such behavior and even promotes it by justifying the reasons for it. "Oh wel it was an extreme event so it' ok to steal". Bullcrap stealing is stealing and looter should be shot on site. IMHO
My son and his wife live in Mobile, AL and conditions are pretty miserable right now. He is not having to steal anything. There is no justification for the looting that is going on. The ONLY reason they are looting is there is no one there to stop them and they are scum, not because they need food and/or water.

LOL... Some of these folks are lucky to be alive with the clothes on their backs... If I were in that situation I think I might be out of food and water after less than a day...

Bill, I agree with you... stealing is never right... but we are talking surviving... you seen anyone walking out with any TVs... That would definately be thievery... I stand by my comments... We need more details... I sure hope some of you realize that the story Dan Rather was trying to sell a while back was not entirely true... Give me more facts and let me understand...

God be with those trying to survive in the wake of this catastrophe...

Tight Lines,

It is truly sad to see how people can resort to such measures. Things could not be much worse for the folks in New Orleans and that area ravaged by this storm..... But there is never a "GOOD" reason for violence. If people are hungry they should ask for help. Prayers are with all those in this situation.

Just because it is on the news and reporters are stating no one is doing anything....You can never really be sure what was really going on down there. I for one would think of the odds 20-30 to 2 even if the 2 had guns....there is no reason for violence. Riots are so unpredictable.

Loves to fish,


it seems as it just went from simple looting to chaos.I just watched a report in which the news crew abandoned their building for fear of their safety.

Also hearing reports of carjackings,robbery and gun fire.

Sad situation indeed.
Just seen some TV footage of a Walmart, there not taking essentials :angry:, unless you can eat shopping carts full of electronics:angry:

I did listen to one of the State elected officials from the area, she thought it was somewhat okay if stranded individuals were taking food & water, but wow that's a real shame what some of those people are doing.
I will not justify it for ANY reason:(

Even the Good Book says it's wrong:huh:
Well, it seems like survival is the issue. Two jewelry stores completely emptied. If you run of food and water at least you can die with a lot of bling on. One police Officer shot in the head.

Probably by a person just trying to survive. He's expected to do ok. Three reported rapes.

Well, if the stores are out of food and water what else is there to do? Numerous reportes strong arm robberies. No food and or water so give me your wallet instead. These aren't just reporters reporting this but officials being interviewed. I'm sorry, but if they find someone with a bag of jewelry with tags on it, shoot them! If they find and can prove without a doubt whoever raped those girls, shoot them to. If they find a looter with a gun, shoot him. There ARE a lot of good people there just trying to survive and they are doing it without stealing. They have enough to be scared about without having to worry about thugs. Bring the Army in, locked and loaded!

I agree. If it was about survival you would see people walking out with one can of Tuna and a loaf of bread. It's times like this when I'm ashamed to be a human. Those people I see on TV have no morals at all.

Let it go... We are not there.... Those with the shoot first, ask questions later, or even shoot them all and let God sort them out are just plain wrong... This is truly not turning into a good thread... While I do agree that looting is wrong, killing is even more wrong... How about if we just let those folks sent there to do with these issues, and those folks that will ultimately sure on the many jury's to sort out the facts.... WE OBVIOUSLY DON'T HAVE ALL THE FACTS... for everything going on there... Isn't it wonderful how having the news folks anywhere causes so many people to see the ugly and not the good...

Tight Lines to all AND Prayers to those in the diaster areas...

I'm usually the last one you'll see respond to one of these "politically correct" topics, but this one broke the camel's back.

I can't do much about the theivin' BASTAGES in New Orleans, but let me tell y'all what would, and will, happen if I catch some @@shole inside the property line at my house. His family is gonna be throwin' dirt and singin' hymns. And you know what, I'm dam sure not sorry for him either, or the family. That's my property, not his. I don't go meddlin' around somebody elses place, and I don't expect somebody messin' with mine. I am so tire of these bleedin' heart liberals tellin' me what's "right". What's right to you ain't right to me and I'm not gonna have it forcefed down my throat. As long as my trigger finger works, I am going to protect my family and property.

Rich, I'm sorry if I offended you, or broke the "rulles of engagement" here. I've been a member for a long time, and would hate to lose that privilege, but, this whole visual I have of thieves walking off with someone elses property in broad view of TV cameras, has just made me sick. IT IS NOT DEFENSABLE


BruceM, Uncle Billy, evryone else, just to clarify, I am on the same page, after seeing TV coverage last night, they are for a lack of better words "animals" and should be treated as such. The media does not to need to put a spin on this, pictures are worth a 1000 words, and seeing people pushing around shopping carts full of clothing and TV games proves they are not in the store looting for a can of Infant formula or a gallon of water. They are there to steal others property.


BTW - Uncle Billy said "Bling" :lol:
We're seeing good Bill. They are showing a lot of rescues and acts of mercy. No we don't have all the facts but we have eyes and ears and can see and hear what's going on. Throwing slot machines on the floor to try and get the money inside is indefensible. What kind of "facts" don't we have then? They're trying to get money so they can pay for the stuff they're looting? You're a good man Bill and I appreciate your perspective but that isn't mine. People have a right to protect their property and also had a right to expect their law enforcement agencies or military units legally called out to help law enforcement to protect their property. I don't think we are "just plain wrong" and there is nothing wrong with this thread. A spirited engagement of a controversial subject is ok with me, and obviousley many others. I truly believe one of the problems with this country today is the way the majority have caved in to the criminal minority." Oh, we can't hurt them, they don't know any better."... "they have been subjected for so long they are just getting even and it's their right." And on and on and on.. Poppycock! This is like the people who say the death penalty is not a deterent to crime. It IS to the person executed. He won't ever commit another crime.

Sorry if no one likes this. I respect your view but really don't care

Sure are a lot of different opinions...which is good but , some of you worry me:huh::lol::wub:
Yeah Tee, don't worry. I'm just like a warm cuddly teddy bear,,,,,,


havin' a bad hair day.:D:D:D:D:D:p
It makes you realize that civilazation is held together by some dry, brittle 2 lb mono. Just imagine if a real catastrophie hit the entire country. It's too scary to think about. There's too many people not enough emergency infrasturcture and nobody has any respect for anybody anymore. On an ordinary day it's survival of the fittest just driving on the freeway and taking care of day to day business. I really worry about the world our kids will inherit.

What I have seen on TV reminds me of something that happens in a third world country. We have third world people in a first class country that needs to be dealt with. If caught looting then you get thrown in jail. Check every home and if caught with stolen goods other than food and water, put them jail also. I would make the restrooms at the Superdome the new jail.

Cruiseships help is what we need...be a good place to put these people:)
The Superdome is knee deep in water now too.....and they showed a pix on the news lasnite of a bunch of prisoners sitting on a exit ramp because the jail is flooded!! It's a freakin' mess down there....:blink::angry::(

GWB better remember this "lack of Foreign Aid" the next time some cocka happens somewhere else!! This pi$$es me off!!!


Being from Louisiana and familiar with the people of New Orleans i can assure you that some of them indeed need food...but most are just plain thieves. They are stealing everything BUT food. It would not hurt my feelings to see the military declare Martial Law there and shoot whom ever is caught running out of a store with anything other than food. These people are so dumb as to not know that once stolen...those things will be a burdon to there rescue. They are just doing it to get back @ *the man*. I know it sounds bad but it is the truth. You would just have to live here and know these people. Within the next week you will hear of murders over drugs when the crack starts running out. just wanted to vent sorry

Hey Mac...what's really freaky is read my latest post...gettin' scary:huh:
Git R Done NYPD! Those poor folk looting because they need food and water are now shooting at rescure helicopters and vehicles. I guess they have to try out what they store so the can decide whether to take them back or not when the stores finally reopen. Yea, I know I'm being somewhat of an a$$hole talking like this but it's just darn frustrating and hopeless when you can't do anything to help and you see your fellow human beings acting the way they are. I just saw pictures of two dead peole just left beside a wall at the convention center in New Orleans. One woman was in a wheel chair with a blanket pulled over her head and right beside her was another body wrapped up. The press also said this was not rare but they can't show it. I'm writing this because this is really emotional for me and I had to get it off my chest so you guys are the brunt of my rants. What an absolutey horrible feeling when you can't do much to help those poor people.. Ok..stepping off my soap box.

I understand your frustration and share it, I just read something about a woman giving her infant away to another woman getting on the bus, she said she could not get on the bus, :(, not sure why, maybe no more room or no more desire. She gave her baby to a complete stranger.

I also just seen how they have postponed removing day-old infants from a hospital becuase of a "Sniper" :angry:. Shooting at the people and babies! WTF kinda animals are these people?

I'm sorry as well for my rant.

And people ask, "why do you need a gun in your house?",
OK....time for me to chime in.

If I were there and really hungry....I'd start by pitching tubes up inder the eaves of the houses, then maybe a jig-n-pig worked down the staircases...just kinda bounce it step by step.

Spinnerbait's with big heavy Colorado blades burned through the tree-tops might work too.

Definitely would use 65lb Power-Pro cause I'm sure there's a lot of crap in the water to scrape my line up.

If I were there and really hungry....I'd start by pitching tubes up inder the eaves of the houses, then maybe a jig-n-pig worked down the staircases...just kinda bounce it step by step.


Clean and cook that fish really, really good. And watch out for gators.
Why am I a dumbass??? Should I use willow-leaf blades instead, or maybe a C-rig???

Obviously, you're a member here, but you choose to post anonymously and hide behind your keyboard like a pathetic sissy.

Grow a set of balls and say what you wanna say as the real you, or email me your thoughts with your real identity....until then, step away from the keyboard and go find your mommy.
Dumbass !!!!!

Everybody knows to go shallow when the water rises.
Artie, I don't understand your reply to Ken either. I thought his tactics were first rate...

Ken,...make sure you use some chartreuse and rattles too...the dingy water will make the fishin' a little tougher!!

Good idea about the Power-Pro too.......I've also heard that the alligator gar's are getting ready to spawn on every corner along Bourbon St......trolling works well!!:wub:
That's why I thought about the big-thumping Colorado blades.

I guess Artie only fishes gin-clear water, that's why he disagreed with my tactics.

Or maybe he just drinks alot of gin and thinks about fishing.

I haven't received an e-mail from you yet, Artie.....you f*cking pussy.