Can we give Ken a hand

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Rich D

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2001
Reaction score
If Ken has helped any of you, especially if he went above and beyond the call of duty, how about posting your experience here or sending Ken an email. He can print them and it may aid in his search.

Rich D
He bought me a drink

And had me chauffered around in a limo after a boat show.

Great guy...Thanx Dude!

A while back I needxed a new windshield for my 1993 170DC. The local guys just told me they couldn't find a listing or just didn't want to deal with it.

But Ken and craig took care of it. 2000 miles away and they took care of it.

I have never had the pleasure of meeting Ken in person. But when I do. I will buy him a few Caronas.


I bought him a case of Corona's in December - and some limes!! just doesn't seem like it was enough.
Ken will never be at a loss for friends.....Camp Neeley keeps getting bigger and better every year,...and he can get ANYTHING he needs from me or Mini at the drop of a hat,....we've got his back!! He'll be back up and runnin' in no time!! Call if you need ANYTHING Ken....seeya this weekend!

There was this time that he stole a trophy out of the back seat of my truck.....oops sorry! Ken was one of the guys I respected at Tracker and thought needed to be in a position of authority at corporate to make some fundamental changes. He and his guys were always taking care of business. How many people from this site drove right past other Nitro/Tracker dealers on their way to buy from Auburn Hills??? If that's not a testimony.......
I had a problem with my engine stalling when trying to load it on the trailer. Ken said bring it down and we'll take it to the local lake and check it out. They found and fixed the problem that day, and Ken took me to St. Clair fishing.

Your a class act!!

Ken is on top of his of the most knowledgeable person of Tracker/Nitro products. If he was willing to relocate I know a few people that would love to offer work in this field.

I do not think he would the best candidate for the position of mud wrestling/wet T-shirt judge....

An all around great guy.

"I do not think he would the best candidate for the position of mud wrestling/wet T-shirt judge...."

I think I could do that job....Neeley is


Mini,..we already saw the Twisted Sisters you hang out with! LOL....You've already been "judged!"...ahahhahah
Site unseen...(If he would have seen me first, he probably wouldn't have invited me!) Ken invited me his place for Margaritas and burgers with Mac and face hurt when I left his place we laughed soooo hard. He also invited me over last fall to fish on St. Clair...He put me up for the night and fed me an awesome dinner. Even though the fishing wasn't that great, the fellowship with him and Marke and the 929 was great! Upon leaving for the day, I told him the price I was having to pay for Mercury 2-cycle oil back home...He stuck a gallon in my hand and I had to FORCE him to take any money for it...

I think we could all get on here and say how's he made us laugh...especially on the topic of black flies...LOL LOL

Hope to see you this weekend Ken!


What I've gotten from Ken, usually wasn't directed at me personally, but he's posted ideas, remedies, and things to try, for countless people on here when they've chimed in with a question or problem with their Tracker/Nitro product.

Many of these little bits of advice have helped me also with my boat. Also I know he's bent over backwards to make a few Tracker/Nitro customers into "satisfied" customers.

Why Tracker would let someone who ACTUALLY CARES about people go, and the WAY they did it, leaves a REAL bad taste in my mouth for future boat purchases from them. Ken, I don't know what reason you were given, if any, and I don't need to know anyway, (it's none of my business). You are a first class individual,from what I know of you on here, and I hope and pray you land on your feet, and I'm sure you will! God Bless, egMike p.s.- for your next place of work, if they ask for references, I can think of about 1,000+ people you could ask........ here!
I live way out here in Oklahoma and have been on this site for about a year and a half. I've not had any direct dealings with Ken, but I can say that the customer service from his store was awesome in the dealings I have had with them. Ken has done a very good job representing Nitro and BPS on this site and has helped many a people get their problems resolved, their questions answered, and become friends to many that have never had the priveledge to meet him. I would buy a boat or part from Ken or his store before I would buy one locally as Ken has gained my respect and trust. The service, honesty, and integrity that he displayed was top notch. Bottom line is Ken takes care of his customers and by doing so, gains their respect and promotes the best of the company he works for.

Thanx James....and thanx for the e-mail...I'll respond later tonite.
no problem ken.... where i come from respect is earned and you've earned it. i'm still in shock with regards to this but have faith it will all work out for the good. take your time to sort things out but remember who YOU are.

Damn, I havent said so many nice things about you since I met you and you still didnt thank me....what about all the hours I worked for your lame a$$ w/o a contract?????LOL (emphisize the $$)

It's not about the $$$ Big Dog,'da been there if you had to PAY for parking and admission,....and come to think of it,..we probably DID!!!...LOL...
I think back to the death of Basman and how Ken stepped up and represented "us" with his family... I can think of numerous customer service issues where he played a role in resolving matters that were not his problems... I have seen him cut through little bits of "red tape" to guide people to getting a part or suggesting a fix... All to the benefit of others... And, I have seen his humorous (all beit a little "sick" side... And, any man that would dress up almost like Kermit the frog and throw himself out the door of a perfectly good operating airplane...well As I said on another post, I am very proud that I know him...
Hey Neeley,...get hooked up with Ranger, so we can do the shows together!!!....I'll work for you any time,..any where!!...just give me a call!!
Office or Home???...LOL (If he's not there, can try his Lear Jet,...I have that one too!!) yeaahh riiight!!!

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