Boats and Game Wardens

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Jimmy Easterling

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
I had a pleasant experience at the boat landing this week. When I returned to the landing to take my boat out there were two game wardens checking boats that were putting in and coming out. Almost everyone was getting either a warning or a ticket for something. After a lenghty wait to load my little Nitro, it was my turn. I loaded and pulled up to strap it down and it was my turn. As she approached me I kindly asked what did she want to see, she said show me a life vest and then the live well and then the part that made me feel good about my purchase decision. She said "this is a nice boat and I am sure I don't need to check it, but it wouldn't be fair to check everyone else and not yours", and moved on the the next ticketed boater. My last boat was an aluminum Polar Kraft bass boat and I was checked twice by game wardens, they wanted to see everything. Makes you feel good.
I've met my share of good Game Wardens (about 99% of them), and I've met my share of jerks (about 1% of them). Most Game Wardens I meet are very polite, helpful individuals that actually care about public safety and keeping everyone alive and well.

I've been stopped on numerous occasions, but only once got a ticket (and it was a "fix it" ticket - nothing else was required - no fine or anything). I thought I was going to get a real one on Kerr Reservior one day though. I ran into a NC Game Warden (he makes up that entire 1% I mentioned above), that was obviously having a bad day. There was an unwritten "agreement" between tournament directors and the Game Wardens back then - or at least that's what we were told. We all had a certain color ribbon on our boat's trolling motor to designate that we were in the tournament. Game Wardens didn't mess with the boats in the tournament, as they were assured by the director that all boats passed inspection, everyone had fishing licences, insurance, etc... and since we were in a tournament - we would have legal fish only. Well, along comes a NC Game Warden in a boat with a second Warden. He pulls up right to my boat and actually throws a wake that rocked us pretty good. He knew he came in entirely too fast and was about to overshoot us, so he throws the boat in reverse too soon and grinds the heck out of the gears trying to get it backed down. He looks pissed, and he hasn't even said hello yet. His partner has a grin on his face. I said "Good morning Officers"... and as I pointed to the ribbon added "we are in the tournament". He replies "I don't care! Did I ask you? I need to see your registration and fishing license!" Then he proceeded to check every item in my boat on his list - life jackets, fire extinguisher, sound producing device, signalling device, throw cushion.... OH WAIT.... He raised his voice higher and said - "THAT CAN'T BE IN THE COMPARTMENT!!! THAT HAS TO BE OUT WHERE YOU CAN REACH IT!!! (He went off on a 5 minute tirade at this point). His partner was just sitting there grinning. When he reached for his ticket book, his partner stopped him and said something to him. They got into a little heated discussion, held under their breath on their boat. Then his partner waved to me from the boat and said "Keep that on deck, will ya?". I replied "Yes Sir", and he said "Have a good day" as his partner drove them away. I just chalk that up to him having a bad day.

The ticket I got (fix it) was from a USCG guy - before the boat hit the water, he issued me a USCG citation. It's not really a ticket, just a notice that the CG found something wrong with my boat. The boat was brand new, never hit the water, and I had installed these really nice boat registration numbers. He gave me the ticket because they didn't conform to the "block letter" style and (to him) weren't in a "contrasting color". I had to take off my nice new numbers and install those cheap white block letters for him to leave me alone that day. He was very polite about it though.

I like seeing Game Wardens. If I'm hunting and I see them in the woods, I usually walk to them. I think they appreciate that, and they always quickly check me and send me on my way. If I'm in the boat, I always wave. There have been several times that I heard the outboard starting to slow down, I'll wave, and I hear the outboard pick up speed as they wave back and keep on going.

All the best,

Something that's always bugged me about these situations: It's clearly a violation of the 4th Amendment.

They have some babble about impolied consent. However, Minnesota has ceased the enter and search on a whim of ice houses as they have recognized an expectation of privacy. But, most states allow a game warden to search all outbuildings, etyc and freezers etc... withoutr a warrant., Some of the more obscure sections of the state's game code mighty surprise you.
I was stopped for a "routine" check a few years ago and after going over everything on the list, and not finding anything to write me up for, he wanted to see the throwable. I opened a front storage compartment and got it out to show him. This guy went totally ballistic about it having to be within arms reach at all times and that he was going to fine me $68 for the violation. At this point I was very frustrated over wasting 45 minutes of a very good topwater bite. As I was fishing alone, I asked him in no uncertain terms who the **** is going to throw it to me if I do fall in. He wrote me a ticket and left. I fought the citation and the case was dropped. The only time I have ever met a waterways patrolman who was not friendly and professional. There are some idiots in every occupation I guess.
I have never had a bad experience while being checked, just time consuming.

Beck: I don't think we have a fine under $300 here. I have been told that if they catch you after "official" sunset without your lights on the fine is $328. $545 for parking in the "well marked" No Parking ramp area. I make every effort to be "legal" at all times, I don't need the hassle nor can I afford the fines, but, my throwable flotation device is always in a compartment, all they want to know is that I have one. In South Carolina, boats over 16 feet could be used for rescue vessels and required the throwable device, less than 16 feet is not required to have one, unless they have changed the law in the last couple of years.
I agree that most, or at least the overwhelming majority of Game Wardens, are good officers, but an occasional a--hole makes it through every company's screening process I guess. As most know, it's always best to be kind and courteous, no matter what, and handle any differences on the court date. Frighteningly, other than a Postal Inspector, I don't believe we have any non-military agencies with farther reaching powers and authority. You just have to learn the secret code while working with an unruly Game Warden agent during a tourney:

"Yes officer, sir." = You a--hole!

"I'm sorry about that, sir." = You indignant a--hole!!

"It won't happen again, sir." = You unbelievable a--hole!!!

"Thank you, sir." = You are THE a--hole!!!!

"Have a nice day, sir!" = If your boat breaks down and you need a tow and I am the only boat left on the lake, you'll know that it's me when I fly by and wave back screaming, "YOU A--HOLE!!!" :D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D
All of my experiences have been good, I think I only had one that started bad, but ended up good. I actually got checked in a BFL this Saturday. Guy came up, was polite, and only checked licenses(We were fishing in a different state than we launched in).

I would like it more if they would idle up away from you and wave you over rather than coming right up on where you are fishing.
Here's a problem I have with them...Last year I was checked at Dale Hollow. Basically just fishing license and livewells.

Same officer wants to check me AND DOES 2 hours later and doesn't remember me? need to quit smokin' the stuff your confiscating.:angry:

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