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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
I was watching Van Dam on tv last night. I noticed that when ever he boats a fish he would just just lift it into the boat with the rod. Is this something one would not want to do during a tournament or is it ok. If its ok could you do this with smallmouth . Last year I lost a smallmouth at the boat in an attempt to net it.
Depends on the fish weight and the technique of the person with the rod.

There are two reasons why you lose fish at the boat - bad hook location/penetration and no pressure on the fish. Netting will save you from the first, but adds to the latter issue. Swinging saves you from the pressure issue, but magnifies the problem of a poorly hooked fish.

It's hard to do the first few times. You simply lift and swing in one motion. Don't lift the fish up and then swing because the rod torques funny and you can lose good pressure, plus the extra weight of the fish out of the water can make the hook location/penetration even worse of a problem.

If you're fishing for money (and rules allow), that net should be on the deck and your partner should have the net in the water waiting for you to get the fish to the boat. When money isn't on the line (or it's a cull fish anyway), do what you wish. If you're alone and believe the hook is in good, swing. 3 pounds seems to be the general "rule" that pros use for swinging... under 3, swing -- over 3, net.
Good Job Snow, All i can add is use the momentum of the fish to help swing it aboard. The fish is always moving and still green, on the way by just swing him in the boat, never hurt a rod by doing it, haven't lost too many this way! KB a bad net job has lost more fish than swinging em
I've lost some good fish trying to swing them into the boat.

When monies on the line, it's better to net unless conditions don't allow it, ie. rockin and rollin in 3 footers or the partner you have you don't trust. Swing away when in doubt. Smallmouths, if I've got them coming towards the boat, I just carry their momentum right on into the boat.
Didn't one of the big trails FLW or BASS just out law landing nets? Seems like I heard somthing about this a while back.
I lost two fish at the side of the boat, one would have one the tournament of course, the other would have placed us about 10th instead of 16th. My team partner and i always use a net no matter how big the fish. The weight of the fish is sometimes enough to pull the hook right out.

I now call for the net on every fish.
I swing them in if they are 15-16 inches or less, over that I net. It also depends on your line strengh. I use the power pro 30lbs / 8 lbs diameter.
One more question , Why doesn't anyone make a net that has a ergonomic type handle??
Seems to me that if you are using trillion pouns test you can do that and I did in tournaments I was in in the past. I don't use heavy line anymore and if I want to actually boat the fish, I don't try it. Of course it's great for "distance releases"..

i've seen Shaw Grigsby use a net with a handle 90 degrees to the long handle (are we confused now) but i don't know who makes them, wish i did and i would own one!!!!!
swinging them in is fine for that 3lb rule noted above, but I only do it when the fish is caught on a worm or tube with a 3/0 or larger hook. If I'm using a rapala or other lure with trebles, I'll net or lip land the fish. I'll also lip or net land fish on spinner/buzz baits because they don't always hook right for me. I once had a 4# fish that we used a net on and the spinner bait wire was just caught the side of the mouth!!!
I go in after em'. I rarely use my net. Now the 12lb pike my Brother-in-law caught in WI went in the net (and he trashed it) but usually I lip them all. Smallies I will belly lift because lipping them only makes them fight harder whereas a lg. mouth will settle down. Netting is more complicated than just getting it under the fish. You need to know what you are doing.

I'm always paranoid I'm going to catch that lower treble in my thumb !
I don't know what the magic to this "calming" effect of lipping a bass is... they still want to jump around on me when I lip 'em. I try not to lip them very far as they tend to do the belly dance on my floor and badly hurts the chances of the fish surviving long-term. As for treble hooks and lipping the fish, just ain't no way unless there's a "no net" rule. If there's money on the line, I'll stick myself, but not for "fun".
Snowman, you have to crank their jaw a little. Not a lot just bend their lip out a little. Nothing worse than seeing pic where someone is holding a fish horizontal by the can do damage doing that. Smallies go ballistic as soon as you grab their lip so if I want to calm one I grab it under the belly like a trout. They will usually calm down.

When you are with a partner always use the net!!!!

You don't want to lose any in the tournaments. Normally you only get one shot at them.
How many of you wet your hands before handling a fish? I was taught (at a very young age) to always do that as less of the protective slime on a fish comes off that way.

My mom taught me not to wet on my hands....that's why I don't have to wash them when I leave the bathroom.

TOXIC...yuk, yuk....
I have to say it was a tossup in my mind as to who would repond like this.... Toxic won! Again!:)
David, don't worry. I wasn't online during that time. It's not like I'm turning soft. :)
Well Mike,

you were my second choice.

Who thinks they were my third?
