BASS Club almost wiped out of tackle!

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Well, found out yesterday that most of my BASS Club fellow members (along with another club) - lost most all of their tackle several weeks ago while fishing a Tournament at Cypress Springs (E. Tex). Seems as though our club rents fishing accomodations from a local, whenever they go up there. Not a full fleged hotel/motel, but a 'fishing camp' so to speak.

I ran into one of our members yesterday at Home Depot and he asked if I knew whether the problems had been addressed. All new to me.

Basically, most near everyone that did not take their rods/tackle into the room that night (which means most of the club), woke up to empty boats on Saturday morning. At last count close to 250 rods/reels and all associated tackle, were taken sometime on Friday night. Yes, even those with newer boats and better locking mechanisms. Same for the other club that was staying there also.

Guess most of that stuff either got hocked; taken to 'First Monday Trade Days'; or wound up on EBay. Cash and carry.

Haven't gotten any more of the specifics or whether any was covered by their insurance, but that would be a tough nut to have to replace everything. That, combined with the economy and nervousness about jobs, will probably have most 'down sizing' to 2-3 combo's.

More on this as I find out particulars/details. Given our locale (E. Texas) and the mindset of some of our outdoors folks, I'm guessing there will be some camping out and 'lookout' activities back up there over the next few weeks. Might be some 'country justice' about to happen.

'Sorry officer, suspect must have fallen while he was trying to get tackle out of that boat.'

AAAYYYYEEE!! Boudreaux and Thibodeaux need something to do. We could maybe go and have some Cajun fun looking for these a**holes. THis makes my blood boil. That amount of rods and reels will be hard to get rid of.

Barry from La. :(
I would love to catch these guys/gals that are doing this. Sure doesn't say much for the family life they were raised in!

After having my tackle stolen, I have a pretty good idea how they feel. I don't leave anything in my boat or truck now. It's a shame people have to resort to stuff like this.
That Sucks, I dont see how they took that much with no one noticing. I hope hey get thier insurance to pay for that.
totally sucks, sounds as if the group needs to post a guard duty roster and schedule, 2hrs on, 8 off, dusk to dawn.

Farging Iceholes
time to start setting traps, its really getting bad in East Texas. They are taking everything they can now, not just rods.
That really sux!!!!! Thieves are everywhere, not just E. Texas. Might be a good time to get into the home/commercial security business.
Thieves suck!!! They are the lowest form of cowardly scum on the planet! (Yep, I've been ripped off before.) Around here on Lanier it's not a matter of "if" you're going to get hit, but "when". It's as if the more you do with security lighting, motion detectors, alarm.... just challenges the low-lifes wondering what's worth protecting so much. I quit leaving anything of value for them to target anymore. Wouldn't you just love to catch 'em in the act?! :angry:
While you're thinking about tackle and rods, remember that nice expensive stainless steel prop on the back with a single nut holding it on. A cheap locking bar/club is worth the investment.

A stakeout would be nice, but they probably have buds that would get wind of it and warn them, if not, that could be a lot of excitement.
Maybe time to put some rattlesnakes on little stake out chains and little harnesses in the rod locker.

You can't watch it all night and the thugs are out all night. You can ***** about it for as long as you like, but that's the way it is and your not going to change it. What would you do if you did catch them? As some of these idiots are packing, is a rod/reel worth it? NADA! I travel armed and don't think a dark parking lot in the middle of the night with an unknown number of theives doing their deed is a good place to be for anyone.

Tight boat cover tied all the way around and add an alarm if you are going to road trip a bunch.
Texas law allows me to defend my property - including personal property that is not at home. What good is an alarm going to do if you aren't prepared to come out and confront them? I sure as heck wouldn't cower in my room while they picked my boat clean.

Why shouldn't we complain? We all can complain as much as we like - that's our right too. And I sure as hell can do something about it. It's the "your not going to change it" mentality that has us in the situation that we are in right now - getting picked clean while nothing is being done about it. I gaurantee that when word gets out that we are defending our property within the rights of the law, they will start thinking twice about stealing from us. Yes, there are reprecussions, even when defense of property is performed legally. Yes, I am fully aware of them and still will defend my property within the rights of the law. I refuse to be a victim.

Since the beginning of the year, if I added all the theft reports I've heard about together that occured in Texas (Amistad, Falcon and a few others) - they have picked off well over a 1000 rods and reels. No, they are not going to Ebay. I know in my heart where they are being sold. Ask yourself how the guy that was using a Zebco 202 combo last week for catfish fishing is now using a G-Loomis with a Calcutta on it. And you know what? He has no idea what he is holding - because he paid $5 for the combo from his buddy at a flea market. Yes - you heard that right - $5 at a flea market. He's going to throw that $400 combo into the back of his rusted out pickup after he is done, along with the beer cans and everything else sloshing around back in the bed. I posted a while back that I participated in a garage sale and that every person that came up to the rods and reels I had for sale would turn up their nose at my cheap prices. I thought I was giving them a steal of a deal. I found out later that I was charging probably 10 times what they expected to pay for them because they are used to buying their rods and reels for CHEAP.... and they don't give a crap about the brand name - they are just buying a "fishing pole".

I'd be willing to lay money on it that the majority of the thieves that are stealing our gear have no clue what they are stealing. They don't know top quality from medium from low. All they know is that those bass boats are normally chock full of rods and reels - sometimes a dozen or so in each. So that makes for quick pickings for them.

Now I'm sure there are a handful of criminals who are actual bass fishermen themselves, who know what to look for, what to take, and what to leave behind. It is those that steal stuff from people like Teri - they take the good stuff they want and haul tail, leaving the stuff they aren't interested in. I hate to say it - but Teri and people like her probably got ripped off by fellow tournament anglers.

But the guys hitting large amounts of boats for dozens of rods each - they probably have no clue what the brands are.

My personal safety plan includes taking everything indoors each night on a little luggage cart, covering my boat, and arming my alarm. But if that still doesn't deter a thief and he tries to take something else off my boat like a prop, trolling motor or in-dash electronics, I will exercise my rights to defend my property.

We CAN do something about this. But we have to get into the mentality that we WILL defend ourselves and our property. Some people don't want to do that. To them, I suggest getting detachable trolling motors, electronics on RAM mounts, and prop, rim, trailer and hitch locks.

All the best,

A number of years back, when my tackle was stolen from a boat storage yard, I asked teh deputy who was taking the report if I should expect to see my gear on eBay. He said, "Nope. They steal it because they want to go fishing. So instead of going to the store, they just come take yours."


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