The "dead cat" matter...

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Greg Meyer

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
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In particular...Jeff White (Magna 19) wrote to me and several others here about the Dane County, Wisconsin prosecution of John Komassa for killing a cat that bit him at work (at a fish hatchery in Wisconsin). The Dane County District Attorney had (past tense) charged him with "cruelty" for bashing the cats skull after he was bitten so he could have the cat tested for rabies (he was bit inside a hatchery building where the "feral/stray" cat had been "holed up" for three or four days...

Weel, it is official..the e-m ails to the "DA"...the on-line petition and bad press locally all added up to a formal dismissal of the charges...(the full story is laid out a on the "Nevin Fish Hatchery Employee" thread...
im glad they did finally drop the charges.the way i look at it,they were going to kill it either way,1 to test for rabies,and 2 it is a ferel cat,cant be tamed no how.would you adopt it for your kids?

granted,i like pets,i got a little farm going a hamster,a cat which i found out in a old car i have out in my lot,she just barely opened her eyes when i found her,a dog,and a rabbit.if i got bit by a wild cat,sure as tracker boats float,i would have done the same thing!peta is a bunch of rich have nothing better to do with my time housewives and stay at home dads!we dont have much dealings with them here in pa,but i see how they block boat ramps with there bodies and such.

a few yrs ago,they tried to stop hunters going into the woods during bear season,and our game commision passed a law to basically say that anyone attempting to stop anyone from hunting/fishing will be arrested and charged with harassment and either be fined/inprisoned.

peta is trying to stop fishing also.pretty soon they will be charging fisherman with a crime for fishing if these bleeding hart liberals have there way.

PETA is one of those groups that thinks everyone should feel think and believe the way they do. Pack them up and send them to AFGANISTAN. I'm sure the TALIBAN would love their company.
"P"eople "E"ating "T"asty "A"nimals.......LOL...they're as much a part of the lunatic fringe as all the other radical groups.....if they ever try laying down on the ramp behind my boat,..the poor SOB's are just going to be another speed bump with tire tracks across their head and legs!! Idiots!
i wonder if those peta drips wonder if there vegitarian ways are killing animals also!a plant has feeling to,doesnt it?there killing plants to feed themselves!!

the afgans would just send them back,the vegatarian diet means thy dont taste like chicken!!

there is a petition going around to revoke the tax exempt status,they are a non-profit organization!

about the speedbumps at the launch,ive always wondered if they had enough brains to get out of the way before my trailer tire ran there plant lovin butts over,NOT!!!

Once again, a useless waste of tax payers dollars and proof positive that our judicial system is in BAD need of some common sense reform! Man, don't get me started. Neeley, when we're in office, we got us some serious work to do see! Y'all can rest assured dat we is gonna make tangs right! I love cats....dead ones! They make good dog chow for my pointers! SIMCLMJNO
I may not agree with the method used in containing the cat, but understand the guys need for doing so as to avoid the possibility of having to go through the painful treatment for rabies.

As for some of the other posts here with regard to supporting animal cruelty, I am appalled and saddened to see such callousness and insensitive comments with regard to cats, one of God's creatures posted openly in a forum where anyone and everyone can read.

Cass :)
Was meant in jest. I would never harm any animal that without due cause. And if need be, in the most humane means available. We can't allow ourselves to get so incredibly politically correct that we end with such frivilous suits as that which started this ridiculous event in the first place. People these days take all the WRONG things too seriously while letting the issues ride and the contry go to hell. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but if I am going to devote my attention to any issues, it most certainly will not be about a man who had to destroy a stray and now proven dangerous animal for the sake of his health and the others in the facility. I much rather focus on why cults are running rampid in our midst, children are shooting one another, parents can beat children and yet keep them, but I cannot lovingly discipline my boy in public without the fear that somene will take him away, why on GOD'S green earth we support a former adulterer for a president but can't figure out why 60% of all marriages end in divorce, to name a few. THOSE are the issues I choose to get ruffled about when not taken seriously. So with all due respect to anyone I offended, my sincere apologies, but hesitate before pointing a finger at me for not taking such a trivial issue seriously, until you take careful inventory of your own short comings. Judge not, less ye be judged by the same measures. I don't claim to be right, just well informed and rather opinionated!
Well said Rob,....We have a cat too, and he's a great pet,...wouldn't think of hurting him, but in the same notion,..I wouldn't hesitate to whack a feral cat if need be!!,..they are MEAN,..NASTY, Dangerous and of no use to anyone...they will even kill another house pet if given the chance!! We deffinetely have some screwed up priority's as a society, but this isn't the time nor the place to discuss them....I just as soon keep this site directed mostly to boating and fishing issues, and keep the politics and other "offensive or potentially offensive" matters (i.e. Sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll and PETA) to a minimum amount if at all! People on this site have been burned before for getting carried away on certain subjects, and no sense in stirring up any more ill feelings potentially causing further harm...besides,...if we DON'T agree with a point of view (i.e. PETA,..and Lord knows I DON'T)......we deffientely don't want to give them ANY publicity,..good or bad!!...and all they want is press and publicity, it GOOD or BAD!!! So this is the last post where I'll EVER metion their name!!............Okay...i'm done,.....back to work!! Seeya soon!

Point taken, thanks for keeping me in check Mac. I am sure that poor Rich must look upon these posts and just shake his head. I promise to do my best to stick to fishing and boating while here, and address the issues of politics once you and Neeley are in office!
Well...Mac...actually this IS an important and not totally tangential fishing issue. Here a "humane society" got the ear of a Dane County Wisconsin District Attorney (probably an assistant) and convinced someone to initiate a criminal prosecution. Right now those same people are trying to convince the US Department of Interior to ban all fishing on federal lands...cruelty is the basis of their argument! I am afraid if we want our children to hunt and fish, or at least have the option to do so, we are going to have to take back the "conservation movenment" and be involved, be active politically, and be visible, confrontational and upfront with our views.

If we don't we are going to find ourselves resticted to "soft baits" with no hooks. And, we will have to register our fishing rods as lethal weapons and be restricted to "fishing" only on virtual lakes and rivers...not public lands!
I understand Greg,..and I totally agree with what you are saying...and I also agree that if we don't get involved, we could get screwed. But "those people" have been trying to get fishing banned for years and they keep losing their hides in the process,...they even tried to protest at the BassMaster's Classic a few years ago, and it totally backfired! It brought MORE people into the sport, and they even left the tournament early, because of the grief they were getting from the true sportsmen and women and fans who showed up to support the Pro's and the sport in general. For the most part, I think most intelligent people tend to turn a deaf ear to the radicals anyway...the lunatic fringe so to speak, and they have a very limited and declining support base to begin with...they are their own worst enemy!! The more they protest and make fools of themselves,..the less support they gain from the masses...they're like black flies,....more of a nuisance than a threat.
Boy, I sure am glad that we don't have any radicals connected with our sport.....
Mac, I respect you for your talents, knowledge and ability to contribute to our sport. I have said that many times over and I ment it. I very much appreciate all that I have learned from you.

We all have shortcomings..... Unfortunately, you get bent way out of shape all too easily. It detracts from your image. It hurts you more than any rumor that I may have ever started by taking artistic license in the telling of my stories.

One of my shortcomings is that I tend to exploit those of others and egg them on.....

Well Scott, one of the first steps in dealing with a problem is realizing what the problem is in the first place. So now that you're aware of your shortcoming in regards to exploiting other peoples shortcomings...KNOCK IT OFF!!!
Oooh Mac...I wish we could afford to trivialize them...In todays Chicago Tribune...there is a front page story of the Community of Highland Park...Close to the (Gurnee) Chicago BassPro....There "Deer" problem is being handled humanely...Tree huggers, PETA, etc...stopped a plan to "sharpshooter 'em" (whatever that'm gonna sharpshooter me a PETA freak...wasn't aware it was a verb) Anyway, they have a staff of three people...there are doing tubal ligations on 21 does to stem the Illinois Whitetail herd proliferation...Talk about "earth to PETA" ...the $$$ for a vet and two workers....

The USMC (among a few other things) taught me to never ever underestimate my enemy or trivialize them...thine enemy is thine enemy...period. We have the ludicrous Brady Act so that legit gunshops check legit customers (or at least the fringe that think they are legit)...and that that will stop violent criminals...Demagogues got that enacted...a fishing ban...probably not in the forseeable future...but expansive "no fishing wilderness zones maybe"....Remember, never let the elephants trunk under the tent flap...for the rest of the elephant is sure to follow...

We need to worry...I bet if you described the majority of todays anti gun laws to the founding fathers they would laugh you off the podium if you warned they could become they are...and nobody is laughing at tomorrow's goofy idea anymore.
Scott,.....What the $!@ are you talking about??? I'm not the least bit bent out of shape over anything!!! I'm in a GREAT mood today,..and have been for weeks!!! I don't know what you're talking about however I do appreciate your concern over my perceived reputation. Contrary to your assumptions my "image" is just fine and I'm as happy as a pig in mud... have been for months, and I plan on staying that way as long as possible, so don't worry about me big dog,....I'm in good hands!


and neither am I, Greg,....nor am i trivializing it....I just think there's a point where we're preaching to the choir!! Most of the people on this site ARE sportsmen and women already aware of the anti's movements and objectives,....nobody wants to protect our sport more than US!! We're already united in the cause!!...We need to take it to the schools and the youth groups and tell THEM......they're the ones who will join our cause...we're already in the fight!!

Rob....No...No One wants to get along with you...Now Mac and I are well "dating"
Um, I will refrain from comment as earlier promised! LOL
I'm sorry..... I can't help myself..... Talk about rollin' on the floor! Somebody! Please, somebody stop me!! I'm gonna say sumpthin' I might regret! A-a-a-a-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-h!!!!!!!!
remember now've taken the first step...recognizing the problem..YOU CAN OVERCOME!!!
Thank you, Ken..... That first step is a doozie - but the next 11 are killers! I need a sponsor! You available?

(On second thought..... Maybe that isn't such a good idea..... No need to start rumors about you and I dating!)
No doubt Scott,..(Little Dog,..I love that!!!),..remember the ordeal YOU went through on this site a couple of years ago,...I'd think you'd be the LAST person to start taking shot's at people,...jeeeez!!! And Greg,..I hope we can atleast keep "talking"...can we just be friends?? LOLOL
Oh No...Scot and Ken broke up...I heard it on the "Nitro" Board....High School just won't be the same....

Oh well...Mac just wants to talk...some fun date he is....
