Skeeter Owner's Tourney - Lake Fork

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Fished a Tourney in late April at Fork (just a local work membership thing we have every year) the First Place won $800.00 on a 15 3/4" 2.2 lb fish. Me and my partner got skunked that day not a fish or bite tried everything we had including the kitchen sink and nothing. Still trying to get the boat i bought running so i can go back. I feel so left out reading all the great stories !

Very commendable Doug. I hate it when I see others pass boats in distress. AT LEAST STOP TO ASK IF YOU CAN HELP, SOMEDAY YOU MAY NEED IT!

Doug, that was the same lady. Her fish was right on the line and she was trying to convince her hubby to throw it back. They trolled over to us and ask to use our Check-it Stick to double check the length. On my stick it was over, on his it was under. They decided to make the run to weigh-in and we never saw them again. When KMOO made no mention of the 8.35 pounder at the end of the 8:30 am weigh-in, we assumed they were DQed for a short fish. Then came the 9:30 weigh-in and we hear about the lady from Florida with the 8.35 pounder. The spun prop explains everything. Glad you help them out, they seemed like real nice folks.
Hey Doug they are talking about you on the Bass Champs web site.
Hey Doug,

You did the right thing and hope if it's ever me, someone does the same. Nice acknowledgement in the article!!

Bob G.
