Anyone put on aftermarket retractable tie downs??

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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Hey, those who know me I love to tinker with my boat, and with fathers day comming my wife is taking me to BPS on Sunday for a shopping spree (Oh Boy!!!!), so here is my current wish list:

- Water Pressure Gauge
- Snap-Loc hydralic power pedestal w/but seat
- Usual mixture of tackle

I'm thinking of the retractable tie-down's i've seen in the BPS catalog that attache with one screw each to the trailer instead of having to stow my tie-downs each time. Has anyone installed a set of these aftermarket ones and any suggestions to brand, type, benefits??? I like the idea of not having to throw them in the rear bait-well and like the ease of not having to take them off. Just don't know if they will be strong enough compared to the factory tie-downs.

Any help would be appreciated - TrepMan (Heading to the Dead Sea after lunch Friday - Here Fishie, Fishie, Fishie...)
Trepster -

The 929 had those, too! Great stuff! I'd never go back to the old style myself again!

Mike, in a short sentence..... Get them. You won't regret it. They are wonderful.

Great minds think alike. Trepper, got a set of Rod Buckle retractables as a gift recently. Haven't gotten around to installing them yet.

Be forewarned about the clever marketing on the package: "Easy, one bolt installation." What is ommitted is that you have to drill the trailer for that one bolt. And, the bolts supplied in the package aren't long enough to fit all the way through the box beams of the Trailstar trailer that sits under my Nitro. I picked up some longer bolts at West Marine.
I've never had to drill out any trailer..... just bolt them through where your tie downs strap to.... not a problem
On my old 1990 TF, there was not enough room between the bottom beam of my trailer and the bunks, so the boat would not go over the top of the buckles onto the trailer, even when they were retracted. Luckily, I was able to talk to the company president, who sent me an adapter they were trying out, which placed the boat buckles underneath the bottom beam of my trailer and made them work great. They are as strong as (if not stronger)than the manual ones in my opinion. Can't wait to break down and buy a new set for my newest boat. You will love them (with the foregoing caveat of what could happen with them)!!
Chris, I hadn't thought of using the existing eye on the trailer. The instructions show a drilled-thru beam install. I will probably do it as the instructions state because I prefer the look of the strap coming from directly beneath the hold down eyes on the transom.

But thanks for the alternate's worth looking at.
Chris is right Rich, don't have to drill any holes, re-trax are bolted to the existing tie down bracket....and yes they are worth their weight in gold,....mine never loosen up with that ratchet assembly like regular tie downs have a way of doing,.......they are awesome!!
Thanks everyone, and yes Rich Great minds do think alike!!! I was looking at the latest mail order BPS catalog at the Rod Buckle ones and that's where I got my brilliant idea!!!

Now I just have to prioritize the list for Beka, here is my current view and what I think is realistic:

#1 - PowerPedestal w/Pro Seat
#2 - Rob Buckle tie downs
#3 - Water Pressure gauge (may wait till the Winter tune-up on this one)
#4 - assorted lures (usualy Noah picks out the colors of the worms and crank baits)
#5 - 2002 Dodge Dakota Crew Cab w/5.9 v8
#6 - 2002 Nitro 911

TrepMan - 11:30am i'm outahere and heading to the Dead Sea....
Gee, thanks guys, now I want some. Maybe my wife didn't buy me my Father's Day gift yet. Let us know how you like them Trepper.

I installed a set on my 901. I attached them to the existing tie-down brackets. I really like the ease of using them!
Hey Mike!......I want to know how one gets their wife to take them to a BPS
for a Fathers Day shopping spree??? Talk about learning valuable information
from the tracker message board!!!! Mike L.
Heck, Guys........ I'm gettin' envious...... Anyone know a woman with kids who will marry me on short notice so I can get in on this Father's Day Bonanza??!!??


(Or..... Drop my siamese cat, Tigger, a hint and loan him enough bux for a new 901!)
Guys - First we got to ask Rich how to get your wife interested in actualy going Fishing!! Since we left Houston TX 6 years ago i've not gotten her back in the boat for much fishing. She really like the bay fishing in Galveston with live Shrimp and mud-minnows (for flounder), always got a bite and lots of different types of fish.

Have had her out a few times in the old John boat after bream, but she does not like/get the bassfishing thing - she says it too much work!

But she know's what I like to do, and like any marriage it's all about give and take. I give her the paycheck, new van, girls night outs to book-club, presents and she TAKES me to BPS!!! I'm lucky and I know it!!

Had the boat out yesterday (Friday noon - 4:30pm) on the Dead Sea (Lake Alatoona to the rest of you) and it was DEAD for me. My partner got one dink (Not as small as Scott's 'Eye but close) and not a bite for me! Water was 78-80 already so I'm going to switch to my summer approach (early mornings and late afternoons).

Chris, thanks for clueing me in. I mounted the retractable tie downs on the trailer in the existing holes. They look good there and work great. My trailer thanks you, too.