anyone heard of this virus going around?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
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E-Mail Virus - Bugbear Virus Shows Big Teeth

Do you have a friend that has recently complained about his or her printer suddenly printing out reams of gibberish? If so, there's a very good chance that your friend's computer has been infected by the recently discovered Bugbear Virus.

The Bugbear Virus continues to be one of the fastest spreading e-mail worms currently making its way across the Internet. The mass mailing computer virus is spread by unsuspecting e-mail recipients who open e-mail attachments they believe to be from their friends. The worm then goes to the recipient's inbox of Outlook or Outlook Express, grabs a file located on the recipient's computer (possibly a confidential one) and randomly e-mails this file along with a copy of the worm (so it actually sends two attachments with each e-mail) to people listed in the recipient's inbox. The worm also disguises the actual source of the e-mail by randomly selecting e-mail addresses from the inbox to be shown as the "sender" of the e-mail. So if a person receives this e-mail worm from a friend or relative, chances are the person it shows being sent from is probably not the person who actually sent it. Additionally, the worm can a) choose randomly from a list of preselected text to insert into the subject line of the message before it is sent, b) create a new message as a reply e-mail, or c) forward an existing e-mail message from the infected computer. All of this makes it pretty difficult for an e-mail recipient to identify an infected e-mail message prior to opening its attachment.

Bugbear also has a backdoor feature which allows the hacker to take control of the computer -- allowing the attacker to remotely perform tasks on the infected computer including the deletion of files, the copying of files and the termination of processes. In addition, the worm attempts to disable processes of firewall and anti-virus software programs.

The Bugbear Worm only infects Windows based operating systems that utilize Outlook or Outlook Express e-mail software. (The worm only infects PCs via an old flaw in unpatched versions of Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express.) Macintosh, Unix and Linux operating systems as well as users of Netscape are not affected by this worm.

Note: Although Bugbear may also cause printers to spit out reams of printed code, the printers themselves are not actually infected.

Remember NOT to open an attachment, even from friends and relatives, unless you've first verified that they sent it to you. We also encourage our Internet customers to utilize anti-virus scanning software and to download updates frequently to lessen the possibility of computers being infected by e-mail viruses. As always, simply using caution and some common sense when opening e-mail attachments can be the best recourse in preventing the spread of e-mail worms and viruses.

weird ?

I haven't heard of this one, but I discovered one entirely by accident.

If you're running Windows 98, go to START. Click on FIND. Then click on FILES OR FOLDERS. In the NAMED box, type "Brasil". Click FIND NOW.

If you come up with ANYTHING named "Brasil" (.exe or .pif), <font size="4" color="#FF0000"><u><b> DO NOT</b></u></font> click on that/those files! Update your anti-virus software and run it. Running your anti-virus will also pick up one other related file (but I can't remember its name). This virus does something related to your printer also.

been getting a lot of w32 klez virus in e-mails through 2 diffrent e-mail address.even got them on my yahoo address also.anything i dont reconize in the address with an attachment gets zapped.

run update every week,run scan shortly after that,have autoprotect up also.

im not paranoid?

yes i am!!
Yes, I decided that it is easier for me to ignore ALL CAPS YELLING than it is to get everyone else to change the way they do things.

So...<font color="#000099" size="6"><b><u>GET OFF MY BACK</u></b></font>...and ignore it!</p>

At any time you feel suspicious about a file or e-mail...You can check for advisories on or Both sites accept submissions of suspicious files. And, TrendMicro ( offers a free webbased scan tool. Just a final word of caution, before deleting files, etc... in any e-mail virus warning from friends check with these two web sites... Virus hoaxes that tell you to check for files and then delete them have caused some chaos...

BTW, The "Brasil" warning is is a low level boot sector virus that is discovered by the free scan..
Greg is right. Don't manually delete files. Let your anti-virus software do the work.
I had left for the day Mo. I let my firewall do all the work. But I'm trying to teach my mom to stop opening these things just because it's coming from her "sister". She sees the address and says, "they would never send me a virus". She just doesn't get it.
I was just funnin' ya, Rob, and seeing how big I can make the letters. By the way, how's the back today?
I know what you mean about the low-pressure, stormy weather. I shattered my right collar bone playing baseball(by shattered, I mean it was in 14 separate pieces), and on a cold, humid day my shoulder feels like its on fire.

The letter thing is just typing the HTML code into your message like you were doing if you were setting up a web page. You can even do it in your member profile. Yesterday I inserted the code to add my picture. Click on my little M if you want to take a look at the results.
We only have one printer on this floor (small building) which happens to be in the office next to me.. The guy in that office came walking out the other day carrying a STACK of paper, asking everyone if they were the ones trying to print.. I asked what it was, and it was gibberish.. Weird, but I didn't think much about it..

I went upstairs to the next floor, walked by the printer and there's a stack of gibberish next to it.. I asked the guy in that office if the guy from the first floor office had brought it up.. He says no, that the printer was just going nuts so he killed the job.. Hmmmm.... While it was odd, I actually figured that someone had a bad document or something, and had tried to print it out first on the 1st floor printer, then the second..

Needless to say, we found out later in the day that the bugbear virus was attempting to propagate itself across our network.. :( That gibberish was actually the virus sending itself to all available printers, since it doesn't distinguish between computers and printers.. The printers didn't know what to do with the information they were recieving, so they did the only thing they know how....the printed it! LOL!

We disconnected all our computers from the network and went around with a cleaning utility and scanned/cleaned every computer, one by one.. In actuality, there were only a few computers infected (not mine, thankfully) and it wasn't that big a deal...

Anyway, like what was said earlier, if your printers start printing out page after page after page of gibberish, scan and clean!!
See, they need to find these clowns and put them in a cell with Bubba for 5 or 6 years! That will get the word out. Why people have to be so vindictive and destructive for just something to do is beyond me. They are criminals plain and simple. They are destroying property and causing business to lose money. They need to be prosecuted as such. Somebody needs to develop some kind of program that can detect a virus, determine it's origin, and send it back so that the perp gets it whether or not he opens it!
Weird science when you can make a Celene Dion CD that locks up your computer when you try to burn a copy...... and you can't re-trace the original sender of a virus and have his monitor and CPU go up in a ball of flame!!

WHAT????? LOL Tox, you been leaving the bathroom door closed again and inhaling????
Oh and you're burning Celene Dion CD's and Scott thinks I'M the one with the rainbow flag under my mattress????? LOL PULLLLEASE don't tell my you have any Barry Manilow......I'll never fish with you! LOL
It's the truth Rob, there are CD's out there that will fry you hard drive if you try to reproduce them. I'm sure some of the computer guys will chime in on it. There's also the anti copy protection that the mfgr.s put on some CD's that you can override by taking a magic marker to the outer edge.

And you know this because??? See if you had said an Alan Jackson CD, or George Straight, Meatloaf, Rolling Stones, OK. But Dion???? Dunno man, you got me worried! LOL What's next Insync? Ricky Martin?
And I just READ that it was a Celene Dion CD that did that!! Oh my I'm gonna have to give up a story about Barry Manilow....I was livin in Kansas City and my wife to be was the Director of Sales for the Westin Hotel and handled the entertainment market. Who comes to town but BM himself. She asks me if I want to go to the concert because he gave her some tickets. I told her to put the crack pipe down and re-think her last question. She kept after me and finally I said if she could get her Dad to go , I would go. Now he's a big outdoors hunter/fisherman and I thought I was home safe. She gets him on the phone and he says "Sure!, I'd love to go." I thought I was gonna DIE. I went but I told her that if she EVER told any of my buddies......... I also told her if he sang "Mandy" I would scream. He did and I did!! Now when Janet Jackson came to town....hubba, hubba.. and Motley Crue (with Heather Locklear taggin)ohhhh, myyyyyy.

I'm sure she had to "convince" you. Now the true story.

Toxic buys tickets to Barry Manilow concerts, and has all his albums! He sings (I don't know any of his songs) in the shower. And dresses like Heather Locklear! I used to think Janet was hot, but now she has that woman body builder look and is dressing funky. Lost my interest. Now Faith Hill.......oh buddy, hubba hubba! And did anyone see Shania last night on the CMA awards??? WOW
Tox, you sure you're not a closet "tin" lover???? LOL
I tried to copy a new CD to my hard drive so I could listen to the tracks at home without taking the CD out of the multi-disc change in my truck.

Now my CD player on my computer won't work. It reads data disks just fine, but it won't play CDs. If anyone knows how I should go about fixing this, please let me know.
oooooooooo, you Rob, are REALLY goin to rile the tin boys up with that comment. I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't put together a little convoy to come up and give you a couple of free piercings. Gotta go, my Boy George CD is about over.

LOL, and what about that Cindy Lauper you were supposed to mail me? "Girls just wanna have fun" ROCKS! I like to listen to it to get pumped up for a tourney! LOL Tell the tinmen to bring it on! LOL They don't dare venture this far north until at least May or June! That gives me ample time to stock pile ammo and water and watch reruns of Maude!
Uh oh. The rainbow flags are coming out.

"Girls just wanna have fun"....before a tournament? Yikes.

Next time try some Van Halen's "Dreams" - the one used by the Blue Angels.
And Rob, I've got the purple telle-tubby you wanted to borrow.

MO, I gotta stick with MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This". You've never seen guys laugh so hard as when I jump outta the truck doin the moonwalk and that funky monkey thing with your arms and legs. Sure breaks the ice.

I know Rob does "I'm Alright" by Kenny Loggins (Theme from Caddyshack).

Footloose???....You had the theme song from Barney playin at the Rally!!.....jeeesh!!!!
"Memories, light the corner of my mind...mistywatercoloredmeeeemmmmooorrrriiiieeeeessss, of the way we were"

BARBARA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well what do you know??!!!....The Stones "Start me up!" is on my radio now!!...ahaha...coincidence???
Boy George with Culture Club "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?"

Response: Yeah, as a matter of fact, I'd like to slap you silly!!

note to self:..."Neeley knows Striesand lyrics,...never EVER sit in a blind with that dude!!"...
"...scattered pictures, of the smiles we left behind, smileswegavetooneanooooooooooootheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr, for the way we were..."
"...can it be that it was all so simple then, or has time rewritten every line? If we had the chance to do it all again, tell me, would we? could we? MEEEEEEMMMMMOOOORRRIIIEEEESSSSSSSSS, may be beautiful and yet, what'stoopainfultoremmmmeeeeeemmmmbbbbbbeeeerrrrrrr, we simply choose to forget..."

....but it's the laughter, we will remmmmber, whenever we're tooogetherrr, of the way we were .......

Please momma make it stop!!!!!!

Heard over the PA system at BPS, Auburn Hills..."Mr. Neeley please report to the nurse's office...your long sleeve jackey and ride have arrived"....
O lord help's only November and Neeley is coming out!
Buy a MAC !!!

I've had them for 6 years now and never had a virus.

Mac's for sale??? Times getting tough big dog. We can all pinch in a buck or two. No need to sell yourself, save yourself the embarassment, you'll starve. Let us help! LOL