A Soldier's return...safe and sound in the USA

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Ken Neeley

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
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We just arrived home last night from Fort Campbell...spent 4 wonderful days with Jonathan!!!

He feels great, looks great, and is glad to be home.

We went to the base late Friday/early Saturday at 4 am for the Welcome Home ceremony. They took us from the parade grounds to a hangar on the tarmac at 5:30 am.

At 6:30, they announced that the plane was 20 minutes out and we headed for the tarmac. As we all stood there anxiously waiting, the crowd was buzzing with excitement. We kept watching the horizon for our first glimpse of the Freedom Bird....and when we saw the lights, the noise and cheers were unbelievable.

Then the weirdest thing happened....as the sun was just peeking up, and dawn was approaching, an eery silence enveloped the crowd....you could have heard a pin drop the last 15 minutes as we waited for the plane to touch down. As soon as the wheels hit the runway, the cheering began again.

The plane taxied right in front of us...about 100 yards away, and after they wheeled the steps up to it, an Honor Guard marched in front of us and presented the colors at the door. The first soldier stepped out, and all was quiet again....he was carrying the company's flag, and the soldiers started down the stairs. They had them walk single file in front of us, in full battle gear, with their heads held high....we waited anxiously as soldier after soldier departed the plane, and finally, there was Jonathan!!! The tears flowed and I felt feelings of joy, pride and happiness like never before....my son was home!!!

They marched into the hangar, got into company formation, and stood at rigid attention for a half hour during the ceremony, after which we would get 20 minutes with them before they had to work for half a day turning in their gear and getting squared away.

Finally, the ceremony was over, and it was pandemonium as parents, wives, girlfriends and family members scrambled to find their loved one....that first hug was so overwhelming....I thought of all the hugs goodnight, the hugs when he scraped his knee, the hugs when the monsters were under his bed and dad had to chase them away....now here I was looking UP at him, hugging him as his M4 rifle banged against our legs!!!

We made our way outside to get away from the crowd and have a smoke, take some pictures, etc....

As we stood outside talking, I looked around and saw soldiers on crutches, with canes, casts, bandages, etc...Then I noticed a group of 3 soldiers standing on the fringes by themselves...kids, just 18 or 19, back from war. They were standing quietly watching the happy reunions, looking around with sad eyes. I walked over to them, offered them a smoke and welcomed them home. I thanked them for what they had done, for helping to keep our country safe, and for helping to bring my son home to me.

I asked where their families were, and they each had their own sad story....broken homes, a mom who couldn't afford to be there, an orphan with no family at all. As the tears welled up in my eyes, I thanked them again for their selfless sacrifice, and these three young men, these brave soldiers, started wiping their eyes, and swept me up in a big ole' bear hug and thanked me for thanking them!!! I wished them luck and made my way back to my family. The 20 minutes ended way too soon, but it would only be hours before we could spend some real time together.

I'll post a few pic's after I download them this weekend.
Ken, Congratulations on the safe return of your son, his unit and their sacrifice for our country.

Too cool!!! Any chance you can get the names and address of those 3 soldiers?? I need them if you can get it for me!!


Mac....my thoughts exactly, but a day late...I asked Jonathan the next day if he knew them, but he said they weren't in his company and he didn't know them.

I've racked my brain trying to figure out how to get them also...
Welcome Home, Jonathan!!

Ken..... If there is any way to get the names of those 3.....
Ken - Brought a tear to my own eyes. Make sure Jonathan reads this site/post and knows the we support him, love him and wish him well!

Great news, Ken! And again i want to thank your son for his service and sacrifice and to all the other soldiers for their service! I've got two words for them all..........

Git'er Done!

Ken, you can get the names from the unit transportation officers. Everyone on that plane had to be manifested. The unit S-4 should have those names, even if their not part of that unit. Glad to here he made it home safely. Your story hit home because like those three guys when I came home from Iraq I flew in with a different unit and flew out 2 days later to my home base. You did more for those three soldiers than you realize.
Great Story!! Told only the way a father could. I am touched Ken!! Some how "thanks" just doesn't seem like enough. Wish you had gotten the names of those soldiers. You have your boy home and that is all you could ask for!! Enjoy the time. He has my sincere gratitude.

I'm sitting here with tears in my own eyes. Wonderful story Ken and thank you so much for sharing it! Tell Jonathan thank you very much and we all support everything he and his fellow troopers are doing. Also thanks to you for what you did with the guys who had nobody there. If I had come home from overseas and nobody was there to greet me I don't know if I could have stood it.


I, like others here, am deeply moved by your comments and the description of the events. Continued best wishes to you and your family.

We are proud of all our soliders, but especially proud of the ones that are part of our own NTOWS family.

Thank you to Jonathan, and all the others that are there, or serving. Thank you also, for the sacrifices that you and your family have made, allowing us to benefit from his contributions. And many thanks, for letting us share in your stories and feelings.


So glad your son is back home safely. And thank you for what you did for those three young men. However insignificant it might have seemed just to say a few words to them, I'm sure it meant more than you'll ever know.

Tell Jonathan his service is well appreciated by all. Thanks go out to him and all the other service men and women.

God Bless,


I'm tearing up just reading this. You should be a writer. I'm glad he made it home safely.


What else can you say!

Great Job Jonathan!

Great Job Dad!!!


Thanks for sharing your joy... Tell him welcome home from my whole family.


I am glad that he is home ok and that you all are able to spend the time together.

Ken, give Jonathan a big hug and tell him thank you. Enjoy the time with your son Ken.

Sounds like the same feeling as the day he was born.

Welcome home Jonathan!!!!!!!
Ken tell Jonathan thanks for a job well done that needed to be done.

Your experiance was simalar to what we felt going out to Get Michael during his graduation from boot .He was only gone 4 month's thios time but the feelings are still the same.I can't believe that only yesterday or so it seems I was holding my hand walking along and asking questions thatall little boys ask their father.

The first think he wanted out of boot was a beer.He turned twenty-one while in boot it was my pleasure to buy him his first (legal) beer.

AMEN!!!! Too many are not making it. I'm glad he's home and all is well.
Yep...i was probably with him...was supoorting 101st so i know what they went through. I just got home earlier. I thank those guys for the support they gave us. Soldiers form a unique family of their own in situations like that. I consider ever member of the 101st like a brother and sister and would gladly deliver rockets for them again anytime any place.


With respect to the three soldiers in your story, you may not have only made their day, you may have made their lives...

My compliments.

I was lucky enough to get to spend a couple of days fishing with Ken last year at the rally.....

.....that's the kind of person he is!

On behalf of The Three,

Thank you, Mr. Neeley!
Great news Ken, Thank you Jonathan!


Welcome home to you too... And, thanks... I can tell you no Pilot, Medic or Artillery guy (I guess today it would be person) ever buys a drink in my presence until I am either too drunk to stand up or I am broke!!!! This is one "infantry" Marine that knows who protected and saved his skin!!!!

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