Lost the title (or "Help with a new Alias")

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Mark Hofman

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
Hey! It's lunch time!

I have been informed that my term is up as the chairman of our scouting committee (Canoe Guides). Really can't sign on as CanoeGuide1, and I never really liked that alias anyway. A bit too arrogant. Mark is too common.

I'm trying to find a new one that may someday nearly approach the status level of Neeley, Rob, Mini, Mac, Scott, EsoxTracker, etc. etc., 'cuz I really enjoy being a part of this board. Now, I know I'll NEVER reach the same status as these guys, but . . .

how about "MOFish"?

Mac: AMEN!

KEN Didn't see THAT one coming! BTW. is Craig back from lunch yet? Gotta call and give him permission to charge stuff to my credit card!

I'm hurt Mark, no mention of the old TrepMan in your list of HEAVY Hitters! I guess i'll have to start whacking the competition!

Go gettem MOFIsh

By the way, can I charge some stuff too...
Heavy hitter??? At a 128 lbs??? Isn't that like ultra bantam-weight? LOL

So, so, SO sorry guy. While eating my lunch I was trying to get back to the first few posts on this board. Your name is LEGENDARY throughout this fine website.

As soon as I hit REPLY, I'm calling Craig. And the anwser to your second comment, Trep, is a very respectful NO. I can charge, but the missuz payz da bills. It's too cold to sleep out in the garage right now.

Ken - You forgot the last part of that...

Trep: the man, the myth, the legend IN HIS OWN MIND. LOL
Remember the story of Moses, Michael....... Next time these guys are out fishin'....... You just walk over to the side of the pond 'n part the waters right under them!

Or how about we have Trep walk to the good spots and start waving his arms!!!
Mike L...If you need a paddle give me a call. Just got in a new supply of special paddles to be used "up the creek" only.
