Long Orange Thang

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Sam Elkins

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
Had an experience last Saturday morning on the way fishing. Left at 3am for a 2-hour drive about 90 miles away. Stopped after about 35 mile to get some coffee. Got out of the truck and as I was walking back to go around the boat I notice a long orange thing on the ground behind the boat. You guessed it!!! The extension cord for the onboard chargers. The cord was destroyed needless to say and I'm glad nothing else was damaged ('cept my pride). One strange thing about it was that about 30 miles of that was on interstate and although it was early I was still passed by 3 or 4 cars/trucks and nobody honked or anything to alert me. Maybe they we too busy laughing their arse off. I would have been laughing too but I think I'd try and alert the person to what was going on. One of the more dumb things I've done in awhile. Anyone else done something that dumb? Rich, Maybe a "Dumb Stuff" page might be in order for a few laughs or at least a message category reflective of the subject matter.

One other observation after the fact....I even had to step over the cord when I was taking the cover off the boat.

OH SHEEESH... thought that said "Long Orange THONG" at first.... Had no idea where this was gonna go....

Just think of it this way, you were due, and if that's the dumbest thing you do for the next six months, you're way ahead of the game. Besides, it only cost you $12.00 to fix, usually my dumb moves run into the triple digits...


Sam - Done the same thing, lucky for me the boat charger cord reaches the outlet so I just heard a "thung" as I pulled the boat out by hand and the cord popped out of the wall. I would have loved to see that cord behind the boat. Could you see a kid saying to daddy/mommy as they passed you "hey dad, check out that electric boat, probably won't go too far though with such a short cord". LOL But as Parrotth3ad said, if that is the worst you're in good shape!

Probably my dumbest has happened twice - Leaving w/out the keys to the boat. The last happened last Wed when my wife/kids headed to NC for the day in the van and my buddy and I were going to use his truck to pull the boat. I loaded wife/kids in the van and waved good-bye while I pulled the boat out and proceeded to get her ready for my buddy to back the truck up. It was about 20 minutes later that I realized (when I wanted to make sure the engine would crank before we took off) that NO KEYS! Since i don't have a hitch yet on my new wagon i'd put both set of boat keys in the van. Luckily I caught my wife on her phone and raced to meet her half way.

Now the extra set is hanging on the key rack in the kitchen!



Don't feel bad. You missed the rash of posts that qualified us all for the "stupid" list about a month ago. Right after I posted, I drove off with cord in tow. Luckilly, my wife saw it from the driveway and started yelling, plus it's a 200' cord, (hadn't unplugged yet). To make it worse, when I did arrive at the launch, being the GUIDE and seasoned boating vet that I am, I forgot the plug! Welcome to the brotherhood!

I did the same thing!! Buddy and I left at midnite one nite headed for a fun tourney about 5 hrs drive. We were probably 30-35 miles down the road when it dawned on me that the cord was still plugged in. Unfortunately, the cord also pulled out of the socket in the boat and disappeared forever. And 3 weeks ago my partner and I launched the boat and fished for nearly four hours before I noticed that I was really having a hard time getting the boat on plane. Got to a spot and turned the bilge on real quick, low and behold many gallons of water began pumping out. That's when it dawned on me, no friggin' plug. Found out the hard way the my boat won't sink, and still floats perfectly normally even when it's full of water!! Ha Ha.

Todd C.