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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Well, I got the call yesterday that I am heading back to DC in July. I will still be assisting this office down here in Florida but I will once again be based in DC. Wifey is very happy (she needed some good news) and to tell the truth, I am ready to go home. Not looking forward to getting back into the politics of DC but I am getting close to retirement and it is time for me to start looking for my final address and that involves a Lake and boathouse:lol: Maybe more than one lake because y'all know how much I just luuuvvv those Northern lakes but HATE the Northern winters. Maybe I'll just move in with Mac for the summer:lol::lol:. For those of you that are ever faced with an extended detail away from home and you have a choice, there is one thing you have to remember...You are going to miss some important events in your kids lives. I am no stranger to traveling and as a matter of fact, when I met my wife I was traveling 100% of the time, I lived on the road and was only home weekends and holidays. I thought this would be no was. Lauren is 13 soon to be 14 (June) and I have been gone 2 years....yes, 2 years. Even though I made trips back and they came here it is not the same. Hopefully it didn't do more damage than I can repair by returning (with my daughter not my wife, she is fine:p ). I have missed school plays, field trips, band recitals, etc. I have a lot of catching up to do. We will be making the trip to Wisconsin again this year in the memory of my Father In Law, so that will give me some time with her. I also made my wife a single mother for 2 years and have a little fence mending to do there as well. Was it worth it? Gotta say I am on the fence about that. It helped my career but hurt my family. Would I do it again? I'm not sure. Hopefully at this point I won't have to make that decision again but I am always reminded that once you sign on the dotted line with any Federal Agency, especially when you reach my level, your arse belongs to them. It's part of the deal.

Wow time flys, doesnt seem like it was that long ago. Im sure whatever you missed will be overshadowed by your families happiness to have you home!!! See you at ANNA.
That's awesome,..can't believe it's been 2 years already!! Sounds like you're ready for another week up on Crystal! (and this time you won't have to tow the boat!!) Just think,..Lauren's going to be 14,.....just when they start getting nasty!! LOL (You might not want to give up the FLA addy just yet!!...LOL)

Welcome back!!


Oh,..and BTW,'re more than welcome to spend summers with the cat,...he needs a couple new punching bags hangin' around!!:blink::rolleyes:
:lol::lol::lol: Mac, she gets nasty with her mother...not me:cool: I have to be the referee.:rolleyes: I'm up for Crystal again or maybe even up on the bay. As long as the cat keeps letting me use his litterbox, it's all good.:lol:

We sometimes do what we do, and then assess the repercussions later. I know that when my son was in his pre-teens and early teens, I purposedly focused on not having a travelling job. It paid dividends, but hurt me on the career side. Now that family is grown, my wife has made it clear that she does not want me to be living/working in another area, coming home only on weekends. We tried that for a VERY SHORT time (only being 125 miles away) and it didn't work.

Glad to see that you are happy with the decision(s) and the family has made it through also.

Continued best thoughts and wishes for you and your family. I'm sure that they will be more than happy to have 'Dad' home again. I (like you), not sure how much I'd like being in the DC area. I've turned down a number of 'interview requests' up there in the past, simply because I really didn't want to be up in that area.

Get me the Wisconsin schedule and we'll do something...

Glad you are headed home...
Chris, 240 acres that allows water skiing has got to be a bit crowded in the summer!! That size lake is what I put my 2 man pvc boat on. I need more shoreline!! :lol::lol:

Tex, that's why I don't live anywhere near DC but the downside is the commute. Warrenton is a great little town that unfortunately is growing waay to fast and with that come undesirables, section 8 housing and the like. We knew it was changing when my wife got mugged in a grocery store parking lot. When I retire it won't be near DC you can bet. I knew the hardship it was going to put on the family and we discussed it as a family. There is a fine line to sacrificing for your family or sacrificing your family. Most of the investment guru's say that if you have to choose between a college fund for your kids or your retirement, choose retirement. My decision was kind of the same thing only both the education fund and my retirement benefited from my decision. The unintended consequences are overshadowed by the benefits even as painful as they are. I would probably do the same thing again.

Scott I own the lot next to me if interestrd. Not too far to get to the hot side or cold side. Best of both worlds!
Tox, I figured as much, just throwing it out there. Only half the lake is designated high speed though. It is true that unless I take my boat somewhere else I am lucky to run through two tanks a season. By the time you are up on plane you darn near at your next spot. Hope you find a place you love.
hey do not despair . i thought i was headed for the deep 6 when i retired from fed serv ------- 20 yrs ago----- still fishing .:D:D:lol:
Good to hear Hammer! I know you've been missing the family and getting back together makes it all worth while. Good luck and God Bless! :D