Did you get my e-mail? Hope I didn't unload too much info on you there. All joking inside, I have come to respect you on this board and your attitude is profound. Hopefully you not offended but rather honored, because, due to the nature of my questions, I would not ask just anybody. Not that I would be embarrassed, I'm just not easily flushed, but I wouldn't want to make others uncomfortable. If you would rather not comment please let me know. You seemed like the best person to answer those questions with a positive but objective point of view. Only hope that I can have your stamina a outlook post op!
Did you get my e-mail? Hope I didn't unload too much info on you there. All joking inside, I have come to respect you on this board and your attitude is profound. Hopefully you not offended but rather honored, because, due to the nature of my questions, I would not ask just anybody. Not that I would be embarrassed, I'm just not easily flushed, but I wouldn't want to make others uncomfortable. If you would rather not comment please let me know. You seemed like the best person to answer those questions with a positive but objective point of view. Only hope that I can have your stamina a outlook post op!