FLASH! Gas Prices Rising - Pontoon Tourney Threatened

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Gary Cooke

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
Gas prices jumped by $.10 overnight in Kansas City. 1st annual Nitro/Tracker Streakers Club Tournament and Cookout threatened. Masses mourn! End of world predicted! Generators and bottled water stripped from store shelves. United States Congress may have to work weekend! Oh, what will we do! What WILL we DO!
Dam the gas prices and shed the clothes!!! We'll be a bunch of poor nekkid streakers but we'll be having fun!! YEEEEHAWWW...
Just rig up a coupla' Neptune electrics and half a dozen batteries....I'm sure Mac will paddle if you drain the juice!!!
If you drain a 1/2 dozen batteries,...I'm spendin' the night wherever we end up! We could go to "Cheetah's, The Million Dollar Saloon and Chris Patillo's house on 6 Batteries!!..and that's AFTER dropping Pierre and Wayne off and tucking them in for the night!!..LOL"...Full speed ahead Cap'n...next stop,..SPRINGFIELD!!!
Nooooooooo! We were so close! Damn OPEC. And poor Scott, this could be his first and last chance is a LONG time to see a nekkid female! LOL It's just not fair! Kidding Scott. Aren't you related to Hugh Hefner?

Hey Mac,

We could grab the limo with the hitch and head on down to Springfield in style!!!!!